Logbook entry

07 Feb 2021Triple Aces
Today, I revisited System HIP 12099 to visit the late Cmdr Jameson's crash site at HIP 12099 1 B.

Once I near the planet surface, what is this strange view that I do not recognize before? Wait ... is this side of the planet this bright before? Yes, it was no longer dark as I had remembered before.

The daylight made my search for the crash site much easier than always. As I ventured on my SRV, I noticed some lights on the distance hill. Strange, I didn't notice it while I was landing here. My curiousity led me to scout it further. Coming up on the hill, I realised the light was not just from some random farer landing nearby looking for the crash site. It is some sort of military installation, with 2 gun turrets placed prominently on its perimeters.

I tried to inch closer, but a blaring alarm sounded off and startled me. It is a high security installation. When the security drones started to triangulate on me, I pushed my SRV thrusters to the max, more gliding than rolling down the hill back to the valley where the crash site is, where I land my Diamondback Explorer.

Made it just in time. But strange, a high security installation at this place? What are they looking for? Or what are they trying to do here?

Maybe others have more info but the net has no answers for the time being.

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︎0 Shiny!
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