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The Past becomes the Present

17 Apr 2021Kryonys
There come's a time in, I think, most folks life where they like to go back and revisit old times. For me that's firing up the Bio Willie, throwing on a ball cap and ill fitting shirt and treating some hoity toity Imperials to some good ol' fashioned trash talk and general debauchery. You see, I found I could make a mint for myself a long while back by loading up a bunch of "too dumb for their riches" Imperials at the Robigo Mines facility into an old beat up Python (the Bio Willie), throw on some obnoxious tunes and more or less treat these dumb Imperials like they treat their slaves. Disgusting folks these are you see, but dang did they love paying top dollar to let "that dullard from the outer bubble", as they would call me, treat them like crap while taking them on a 15 minute trip to see some silly floating beacon. At first they were real turned off because the Bio Willie really isn't much to look at. A busted up, bright yellow Python loaded up with not much more than passenger cabins and some maybe less than legally looked upon smoking devices for use by cockpit personnel to help deal with the Imperial "ick". But word spread about the "experience" as they put it, not something I was quite aware of at first. I wasn't putting on any type of show, at least not all those years back and not at first, I just couldn't stand the way they tried to talk to me so I treated them as equally loathsome. It took some time but eventually I had some sort of hit on my hands, so much so that the Robigo cartel began sending some folks my way for entertainment trips. It was lucrative, it was easy, it was fun and it afforded me a lifestyle I would never have dreamed when I passed my Pilot's licensing. I can't stress the fun part of that last sentence enough by the way. Until you've told some slaver to suck a thargoid egg while you power slide a Python into the number 5 dock at Robigo before kicking them off in a puff of smoke you haven't lived.

I say all of that because I recently got the itch. I mean, the pay certainly doesn't hurt, but sometimes just kicking back in that Faulcon deLacy cockpit with some music and coffee is a nice draw. So I hopped into the Pantala and off to Ceos I went to collect the Bio Willie from it's mothballs. She was as glorious as ever, paint chipped up but still as bright as I remembered her, that yellow a beacon to the Imperials who were sure to be surprised to see the return of the dullard. I stocked up on my favorite caffeine bean and flowery accoutrements from some guys I keep in contact with for just this sort of trip, grabbed a few set lists from the holo-juke sure to get a rise out of the usually uptight Imps, and set off to dock 5 at Robigo. I had recently picked up a new crewman, MARS as he likes to be called, and this was going to be his first trip with Dark and I. MARS was sure to annoy the slavers as he was an AI programmed to be very logical, computer like, without emotion and he certainly wasn't going to be kowtowing to the Imperials as they were typically used to. The comedy that was sure to ensue was going to be the highlight of the trip. What had originally been planned as a couple of quick days may very well turn into a week's vacation for me. With things looking so good in 60 Tauri for TAI for the time being, I think I can afford to kick back a bit before CMDR Maro sends the next call for ADF pilots.
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