Cmdr Lurking Waffle
Bounty hunter / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Grr Baby very grr
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Python Mk II Shag
Overall assets
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

Restricted Logs #28 - Sigma Two Six Clearance Required

15 Apr 2021Lurking Waffle
Clearance Accepted - Decrypting Logs

This is Imperial Officer Lanalia reporting in:

Well the War seems to be chugging along although it's more of a Shadow War than an open conflict. Ships are vanishing here and there but nothing that ever points to a massive engagement. As a result of the last incident I've pulled my trusty Type-10 Defender out of storage and spent a good amount of time with engineers getting her the latest and greatest tech available. I then took her out to a Resource Extraction Site that the local rumors said was rife with High amounts of pirate activity to get a bit of field testing done. I did my usual trick when I was looking for criminals back in my Enforcer days and bought 100 Tons of gold and a few hundred tons of Collector Limpets, armed my turrets and set them to a Fire at Will mode, set the Limpet Controller to dispense my Limpets as needed, and then finally set the trap.

It still works amazingly well when you make your ship appear to be adrift and full of cargo. Cold engines and turrets moving in random jerky motions while causing random sparks to burst out of the thrusters makes for a convincing bit of bait. After I'd set everything up I muted my COVAS and went to sleep in my bunk. It was surprisingly restful nearly 400 pirates came knocking and all fell for the trap only to be lit up and annihilated by a storm of laser fire! The collectors scooped up every little piece of ships and the trap rearmed itself. The bounties made for a nice chunk of change and all the equipment and materials I salvaged will certainly help. Even better is that I managed to fudge the paperwork at a local Authority Office and convinced them that it was Me and 3 other "Bounty Hunters" that took down several hundred pirate ships and I shared the rewards with several members of the Imperial Corsairs. Earning a few brownie points and favors with their members should come in handy later and best of all if any of the higher ups ask I can always say I went out and found a few good hauls of cargo to plunder (after all my accomplices aren't gonna say they got free money!).

Raw materials are running low and I have a few ideas to improve my Weaponry but the engineers require more raw materials than I possess. As such I will not be monitoring the Corsairs for the next 24 hours but will instead be traveling out a few thousand light years to a few planets known for large amounts of mineable minerals.

Officer Lanalia signing off....
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