Cmdr Lurking Waffle
Bounty hunter / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Grr Baby very grr
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Python Mk II Shag
Overall assets
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

Restricted Logs #29 - Sigma Two Six Clearance Required

25 Apr 2021Lurking Waffle
⚠️Warning Security Breach Detected⚠️

This is Imperial Officer Lanalia reporting in:

The War between the Imperial Corsairs and Straylight has ended for all intents and purposes and Straylight while refusing to surrender has seen their Home System of Moram reduced to smoking ruins and planets covered in ashes. Honestly I'm not sure if Straylight was attempting to have one last rush of glory or if they wanted an honorable death but the fight with the Corsairs went about as expected. While they were the initial aggressors they quickly found themselves beaten back, forced to adopt a defensive position, and then were systematically crushed. Their forces were forced to retreat from their system they recently expanded to and then had all of their assets in the home system stripped away. I actually pity them if I'm being honest, they picked a fight with a far larger group with infinitely more assets to throw at them and then, in a fit of what I can only assume was insanity, they demanded that the Corsairs surrender and adhere to a long list of ridiculous demands.

After ghosting a few influential pirates, beating down back alley info brokers, hacking into data terminals, and conducting Deep Scans of various systems, I have managed to gain a brief understanding of what occured. Essentially Straylight demanded the execution of various members of the Corsairs, wanted a tithe to be paid to every member of their organization (and it wasn't a small amount), demanded that the Corsairs abandon their expansion into Lozin and relinquish all Assets in their Home System of Daibais and make no further attempts at expanding their power and influence, that a large number of Corsairs would defect and join Straylight, and that they publicly apologize to the Galactic Community for what Straylight said were crimes against them and the community as a whole.

Understandably these demands were met with laughter and disbelief and then Straylight was swiftly crushed without mercy....

To end my report: I have continued gathering favors and recognition in the Imperial Corsairs through my Pirate Hunting activities and have been accumulating a large amount of Credits so I may purchase another ship. I also appreciate HQ smuggling my Imperial Slave Martina to me so that I have a capable Fighter Pilot to ease my mission. A number of the Corsairs also own Imperial Slaves so she will not risk revealing my status as an Undercover Operative.

Imperial Officer Lanalia signing off
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