Cmdr Krionic2020
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Asp Explorer KR-02A
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

A Return

25 Oct 2023Krionic2020
After a month and a half of rest various planets in Kamadhenu, I find myself missing the action of flying my own ship and gaining ranks. Of course, my Fleet Carrier running out of funds had nothing to do with this decision. I have stagnated on my Combat rank, and have at Deadly for over a year now, and that bothers me. For my return, I will prioritize making Elite, completing Elite in Combat, Trading, and Exploration. To that end, I have taken Empire missions to hunt down criminals. My most recent was clearing out 30 pirates in Bunuson, paying about 40M credits. Recovering the costs of that fleet carrier and gaining rank in the Empire will soon have me at Elite rank in Combat, and brings me a step closer to being able to buy that Cutter. Perhaps I can then relax and work on discovering some biological wonders and mapping more of the galaxy. It doesn't seem there will ever be peace between Humanity and the Xargoids... I just don't have the time to outfit myself well enough to deal with them. I'll find my treasures elsewhere. Having a biological office in my fleet carrier will be expensive, but the income from my discoveries will cover that cost easily. Well, that is, so long as I don't get lazy again.
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