Cmdr Krionic2020
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Asp Explorer KR-02A
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

The Spooky Happenings and Combat

29 Oct 2023Krionic2020
On Thursday, I decided to check out what happened in Shamash. Spooky is the only word for it. It seems like what happened to that generation ship; some sort of sound that made people go nuts and kill each other. Figured that's what happened based on the audio logs I recovered from various beacons. Some even had the sound recorded, so I know I was exposed... but I feel fine. I wonder if you have to be exposed to a larger amount of the sound, or maybe our recording equipment isn't good enough to capture everything that goes into the sound? I stuck around for 24 hours; even brought my fleet carrier, the Soteria, over. Well, at least I tried to, the system was crawling with other commanders investigating and there were no fleet carrier spots open, so I had to park her in Ferez. I expected a call to action; supplies needed to investigate a cure, fight off the scavengers that inevitably come, clear out stations of the deranged.

But, 24 hours later and there were still no announcements or community goals posted. I headed back to Kamadhenu and picked up some bounties, all in Bunuson. Seems like the place is going through some power struggles; I took advantage of fighting for one side (there were 4 of them this time) and took out 72 ships on top of the 12 I went there for.

Come to find out the call to action for Shamash had finally come, and it was pretty mundane. The powers that be say there's nothing that can be done for the poor souls who heard the original audio. Our medical knowledge and technology are just not up to the task. The solution? Kind of like you read in the history books of Old Earth, some leader or other had come up with a solution he called "The Final Solution" or some such. That's right; the solution is to kill them all. Do we want to quarantine the system until we can figure it out? Nope. Do we want to do something - anything - that would preserve lives, like nocking out all thos non-combatants and putting them into stasis? Nope. Just... kill them all. I think I'll pass. I'll keep my killing to those who choose to enter the battlefield. Maybe the bugs are right to want to wipe us out. We're doing a pretty good job of it on our own aren't we?
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