Cmdr Krionic2020
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite IV
Registered ship ID
Asp Explorer KR-02A
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Thus We Plan and Adjust

02 Nov 2023Krionic2020
As I work towards buying an Imperial Cutter for the sake of my collection of ships, I must reflect on the changes that have come over time. Gone are the days of sellers refusing to sell you components that can't be installed in the ship you currently have docked. But the change in policy didn't come until long after I changed allegiance in order to buy specialized ship components. And so it is that I now defect from one cousin to another in order to gain their favor again and buy that specialized shield generator in the size I couldn't get before. I may never use it, but I must have it; at least one. I wish there were a way to leave a super-power on good terms, or at least maintain access to the items they sold, even if it was at a slightly higher price. Well, back into combat I go. Elite status won't be granted for just sitting here.
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