The Hunt: Chapter 2
17 Jan 2018Stryker Aune
A brilliant white Anaconda cut through the vacuum of space. Despite the worn and chipped paint job, she was a regal specimen with her tinted windows and brilliant white burners. She had just made the long supercruise journey to Citi Gateway. For most pilots, the distance was long, boring and arduous. But for the commander of the Ghost Orchid it was like stepping outside the front door of a house and walking to the corner market.Adam smiled as he watched the small twinkling speck outlined in its white targeting reticle. Keeping an eye on approach vectors as they counted down to a safe approach, he popped the Orchid out of supercruise with a loud bang.
Greeting him was the large ringed Orbis station silently rotating in space. The first station he would be stepping foot in since his six month expedition out in the uncharted regions of the galaxy. Overhead a static message punctured the still cabin...
For the rest of the chapter, click here.
Special thanks to Jemine Caesar for her edits and suggestions.