Logbook entry

Eta Carinae

15 Feb 2021Gregorio Cortez
After a series of neutron jumps everything looks blueish...

I finally reached my destination, the Eta Carinae system. Actually I don't know why I wanted to get here, probably just beacause I needed to have some kind of destination of my journey so this one was known.

I did some sightseeing

So this is it. What should I do next? Shall I return to the bubble and go into politics, transportation, engineering and hunting?
I don't really feel like yet. There is something so tempting, when you are in the emptiness of space. So many undiscovered places. And life is so simple. You need to fullfill your basic survival needs. Breath, eat, maintain the vessel.

So I decided to look around a little, and see if the space is really as empty as I think.

To my amazement I picked up signals from multiple fleet carriers stationed around the Eta Carina Nebulae. I decided the to check the closest ones and see if they might have the forgotten DSS scanner to outfit it on Hippalus.

Hit the thrusters and went on to FSD

First I visited X2X-16M CLUB TROPICANA  in Bleia Eork GY-F d12-4 - my visit was brief as they didn't have the equipment I needed. Moved on to the next one.

I moved on to Bleia Eork BE-I c26-4 and docked on V6W-BHX RAY'S HAVEN that was stationed there.

Checked up outfitting station, and they had it!!
The DSS scanner was mounted on my ship. I overpaid it a lot, but to be honest, that is the price for buying goods in so remote places.

The place was friendly, and they even had shipyard, so if one wants, he can transfer his ship over there. It' would just take mere 21 hours for it to arrive. Now, as I'm more experienced I'd probably make it in one third of this time.

Anyway. My plan is to check all the carriers stationed around the nebulae, there are three of four left (if the will not move out in the meantime), and then I plan to speedy jump to the DSSA Kraut stationed in the NGC 3199 Sector XJ-A D10

It's only 15000 Ly from Sol...

Then on my way back, I'll try to map the neutron path between NGC 3199, Eta Carina and the Bubble.

That's it for now. Logging off.
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