Logbook entry

Constelation Q

16 Feb 2021Gregorio Cortez
I took my steps to the Tr 16 Sector TE-P c6-2 where I docked on the fleet carrier LZM-92X Last Resort.

An intriguing view appeared to my eyes then.

A constellation shaped in form of a letter Q was cleanly visible.

It puzzled me a lot. I thought that these might be planets or moons, but these were bright stars for sure.

After a few hours browsing through the galaxy map, triangulating and after making some jumps to nearby system to pinpoint the location of this phenomenae I finally was sure that what I saw was the Trumpler 16 star cluster that were over 600Ly years from my position.

On the map they're scattered like a smudge, but from this particular location they form a letter Q in the sky.

These are super-bright "O" type stars with temp over 30 thousand Kelvins. Pretty nice view.
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