Logbook entry

NGC 3199 - ​DSSA Kraut

19 Feb 2021Gregorio Cortez
Finally made it to NGC3199. It's almost 15 thousand Ly from Sol.
This is the place where in NGC 3199 Sector XJ-A D10 the DSSA Kraut (J4T-0QB)  is permanently stationed as a deep space outpost. And it's good it is there to help explorers repair their hull integrity, restock and have some coffee.

This DSSA initiative is worth mentioning.

It's full name is Seep Space Support Array, which is a project comprising setting up a series of fleet carriers all around the galaxy as permanent deep space outposts. Maps of all these fleet carriers locations are widely available, and each of them supports at least open docking access and basic repair refuel facilities.

Here on the DSSA Kraut, they have also some basic mining equipment shop and cafeteria which makes it a nice resting place with excellent views.

So I have reached the final point of my expedition. Now I will spend a day in NGC 3199 and then take the fastest path back to the bubble.
It will probably take me some time
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