Logbook entry

Imperial space

03 Mar 2021Gregorio Cortez
I've been doing a lot of business in the bubble recently and I have some observation regarding the politeness and behaviour of flight control officers.

Generally I have the feeling that imperial flight control is far more polite, cooperative, open and welcoming whereas federals seem to be generally rude. It's not that they are just rude, they are threateningly rude, callous and treat you like a criminal from the very beginning. Even robotic flight controller sometimes employed on flight carriers seem to be more welcoming and polite than federals.

What has happened to the birthplace of humanity that people who live there are so stiff and self assured that they treat all others and themselves as if they were intruders? "Obey the rules","Punishable by death" is this the open arms welcome that you give to commanders that come to do business with you? There is even no facade to hide the brutality of corpocracy and power struggle that bursts the federation from inside. Where are the ideals of "democracy" that deceive so many commanders, while indeed real honest people are treated like criminal scum? From what I see every single one Imperial Slave has better conditions of living than federal freefolk.

That said, I just feel captivated by the kindness and welcoming attitude of imperial people.

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