Logbook entry

Western Shoeres Expedition - planned april 3007

30 Mar 2021Gregorio Cortez
The blackness calls...

I've been doing a lot of business recently in the bubble. A lot of business. Life in the bubble became too much intensive for me, and for a while now - the blackness started to call.

After the last expedition I was feeling that I want to go again to wander around the galaxy and see things...

I managed to equip Hippalus with an supercharged FSD drive which boosted the ship's range to over 61Ly per jump. That makes me feel confident that this time I can make a much further journey.

So, I've set up a plan. I call it Western Shores Expedition as the Errant Marches ar on the west (as I see it), so... here it is:

0. Musca Dark Region PJ-P B6-1
Meta Alloy mining sites in Coalsack Nebula
hike Fleet Carrier and drop off on a way to waypoint 1

1. Crab Sector DL-Y d9
Station: Station X

2. Soul Sector EL-Y d7
Station: Base Camp

3. Heart Sector IR-V b2-0
Station: Farsight Expedition Base

4. Eafots RX-T d3-3
Salome's World

5. Syreadiae JX-F c0
Abandoned Megaship Zurara

Station: KTL Frontier Sanctuary [J2W-5XF] (Formidine Rift)

6. Syroifoe CL-Y g1
The Syroifoe Oasis

7. Hedgo GL-P c5-4
Station: DSSA Maerzenbecher

8. Crescent Sector GW-W c1-8
Station: Medusa's Rock

9. Sadr Region Sector GW-W c1-22
Station: Sadr Logistics Depot

10. FW Cephei
Station: Iris Vacations

11. Back to the bubble

The loop should take around 56-49 thousand Light Years depending on how long will I travel with Fleet Carrier from Coalsack.
I don't expect any pristine discoveries in Formidine RIft, however I'd feel happy to uncover something on my way and in Errant Marches beyond the location of DSSA Maerzenbecher? Maybe I'll modify my path and bend over a little into The Void?

First initial part of my journey is to be made on a Fleet Carrier, then I plan to use some neutron jumping to speed up to Heart&Soul Nebulae. Similarly to the Formidine, after that I'll probably slow down, as I hope to step into more unexplored region.
The journey to Medusa's Rock will probably be a try to beat my speed record in constant neutron jumping. But who knows.
Do you like it?
︎4 Shiny!
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