Logbook entry

Close encounters

06 Apr 2021Gregorio Cortez
First stage of the expedition is currently underway. I have set up a camp on third planet in Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 to investigate the Thargoid Barnacles and their Meta Alloy production rates.

As of the system itself, it's pretty heavy traffic all over the place. I made a short rendezvous around the nearby systems and stations located there. There are two bases in the system, and three in nearby systems. There is also quite a lot of carriers all over the Coalsack Nebula. All the systems are relatively secure, I haven't experienced any interdictions neither human nor alien ones.

Back to the research - it turns out that the production rate of the barnacles are still quite efficient.

During this studies i witnessed visit of Thargoid alien spaceship and had the rare occasion to investigate the way these species exploit the Barnacles.

It seems to me that they do it in totally different way than we do, and probably way more efficient. This is probably the reason that most of the time their ships ignore humans when they encounter us at barnacle sites. They tend perceive us not as much of a threat. I'm sure they notice our presence however.

I'm starting to believe that this inter-species relation is more like ants-human. Most of the time we ignore our presence, as long as either specie does not directly enter ones home space. We can be outrageously hostile towards each other then. And we will never be ale to establish any form of communication.

Next part of my journey will (hopefully) commence to HD 43193 (Oochorrs Lighthouse). I hope to source some polonium there before reaching out to the Crab Nebula.
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