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Coverup military bases in Thor's Helmet and Seagull Nebula?

08 Apr 2021Gregorio Cortez
This puzzled me for a while - what was the purpose to put asteriod bases so deep in space like Thor's Helmet and Seagull nebulas? First of all why are they buried so deeply in space? It is over 3700Ly from sol!!

The more I think about that, the more questions appear. Why not send a Fleet Operations Carrier, or a Megaship here? Or why not send Ocellus stations there what would be cheaper and more versatile?

I believe the answer to this question is simple only one. These facilities have a special purpose, and I believe that this has to do something with xeno research-military use.

First of all these stations are on the other side of what is believed to be Thargoid bubble. Second thing is that putting them inside asteroids makes them more resistant to any attack. These are robust and durable constructions, well suited for defence.

When I reached the first one called Sagan Research Centre in Thor's Helmet Sector FB-X c1-5 from the first glimpse I was sure that it must have at least some dual use.

The interiors of the station didn't at all look like research institute. It was more like a military installation combined with weapons factory. I however noticed some strange installations hidden in the inaccessible parts of the facility.

The station inside looked neglected and forgotten place with rubbish around the landing pads. Not much traffic there at all. I didn't see many people there, just a few of them. As I was said by the traffic control officer, receptionist and supply manager in one person there are merely 2500 people of personnel at the facility. And that statement is the only one I do believe, having in mind how unused the landing pads and the rest of the interiors appeared.

There were things he didn't want to explain. When I asked what is the purpose of research done at the station, he started to weave around the subject of studying the Thor's Helmet Nebula emission ranges, and so on. "Why then the the company operating the station names itself 'Thor Biometrics'" - I asked then. He smiled and said that they measure the way the radiation effects on bio materials. As if such research had to be done over 3000Ly from Sol? He didn't answer that.

The station provided very basic facilities. No shipyard unfortunately, I was told the nearest shipyard is in the Hell Port base.

So to my belief "Thor Biometrics" does indeed some research but it is that kind of research that needs to be done as far form human habitats as it is possible. And I believe, that a fraction of this 2500 people at the station are military. This makes sense when you realize that over 280Ly from Thor's Helmet there's another base in Seagull Nebula, one that is way more militarized and can serve as protective outpost for the research facility here. Far enough to keep the bio samples away from more human population, close enough to provide necessary military and logistical support, and both robust enough to withstand a massive attack.

Does that make sense?

I decided to visit the Hell Port myself and took the path to Seagull Sector DL-Y d3. On my way I realized that the area of space around these two stations is very well documented. Nearly no undiscovered systems around. No doubt that this insignificant traffic they report is not entirely consistent with reality.

When I approached the Hell Port I noticed that this installation was even more fortified.

The Universal Cartographic reports that it's a pirate base and it's not secure there. Well. What would these pirates loot 3700Ly from any main shipping lane? That makes no sense whatsoever.

With 150thousand personnel the base looked pretty intensive used with a lot of mining activity as well. I think it's because a nearby volcanic planet might provide some availability of resources.

The vicinity of the station was much heavily trafficked. I noticed two fleetcariers stationed in the system and that ensured me that my assumptions about military activity in the nebula must be true. It is officially admitted that the base is operated by a faction called "Black Rock Military". It must be some sort of private military group which works for either of the superpowers. The "piracy" thing must have been invented to discourage tourists from the area.

It was definitely a military base set up to secure the perimeter eastwards of the Thargoid bubble and keep availability to project force from a strategic location if deemed necessary.

Will more questions arise when I reach the Rosette Sector? That won't take long before I see...

The increased FSD range makes Hippalus traverse galaxy at a speed that makes any journey quicker than I expected. Damn this thing is fast. Even without neutron supercharging - traversing 1200Ly of space requires merely 20 jumps. That allows me to make detours off the main path without any fear that I'd waste too much time to get to my next waypoint.

And the next waypoint is the Rosette Sector CQ-Y d59 and the base called New Beginning...
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