Logbook entry

Discover the undiscovered - Xeangeae neutron cluster

12 Apr 2021Gregorio Cortez
After leaving the Seagull Nebula, I decided to climb as high as I could above the Rosette Nebula.
On my way some very beautiful vistas started to appear.

I spotted an interesting uncharted cluster of white dwarfs and neutron stars in very close proximity to each other, and decided do map them out. Some of the neutrons were already mapped, but most of the white dwarfs were not. Some notable discoveries in this region are as follows:

Xeangeae UT-Z d13-2
Xeangeae SY-Z d13-0
Xeangeae NI-A d14-1
Phoi Ais GU-A d0
Phoi Ais HU-A d1
Xeangeae OI-A d14-1
Xeangeae PI-A d14-1
Xeangeae PI-A d14-0
Phoi Ais GP-A d0
Phoi Ais QG-Y d2
Phoi Ais PL-Y d1
Xeangeae QN-B d13-2
Xeangeae RI-B d13-0
Xeangeae RI-B d13-1
Xeangeae VO-Z d13-1

The list above contains a cluster of system with very dense neutron and white dwarf starts. Also a lot of high metal content worlds remain to be mapped in the area, in some systems as much as 9-10 of these kinds of planets. So there is still some work to be done above there for explorers.
The most notable discoveries I claimed are:

1. Xeangeae SY-Z d13-0 - terraformable water world orbiting an F class star

2. Phoi Ais PL-Y d1 - earth like world

Later on my way to the Rosette Nebula I spotted a nice ringed water world in Hypiae Aihm HX-A d14-12
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︎3 Shiny!
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