Logbook entry

Rosette, Jellyfish, Crab nebulas

13 Apr 2021Gregorio Cortez
The next part of my expedition included plan to visit asteroid bases in Rosette, Jellyfish and Crab Nebulas in this actual order.

First base that I reached was the "New Beginning" base in Rosette Sector CQ-Y d59. The station is controlled by a faction (population 50 thousand) called New Dawn Commune which also operates some sort of medical installation in this system.

I couldn't figure out what was the real purpose of this station. It looked to me that indeed there was some scientific research taking place. But why was that situated so far?

Next stop was in the Jellyfish Nebula - the station is called "Beta Site" and is located in Jellyfish Sector FB-X c1-5

The station seems to have some sort of military presence under cover of faction called Beta Site Operations. My impression is tat it's the same kind of undercover military outpost as in the previous asteroid bases in other nebulae.

Finally I reached the Crab Nebula. When docking "Station X" I was greeted with astounding views in Crab Sector DL-Y d9

Officially the station is dedicated to research on radio emissions impact from the Crab Pulsar on the nebula. But there is a catch...
The faction operating the station is 100% military (41st Expeditionary Legion). That makes me think that it's still a covert military base.
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