Logbook entry

Staring into darkness...

16 Apr 2021Gregorio Cortez
As I joined the expedition on D Scan Wll Soon B Over (V7X-88J) I was able to rest a while. The plans were ambitious, we were planning to try to find and reach some stars beyond the ones that are currently the southernmost reachable stars.

We have reached the Hypuae Euq SY-S d3-0 (Livingstone Point) which is the southernmost starsystem at the "zero" meridian. I've spent a few hours there staring into darkness. I tried to use all available equipment and sensors - without success. No star was found beyond the line between Livingstone's point and Amundsen's star.

It was a bit upsetting and disappointing because I felt that although there might be systems that are unreachable even for a carrier jump, there should at least be something. It turns out I was staring into the real void... And the void started to look at me...

We've made to Lyed YJ-I d9-0 (Amundsen's Star) then and we gave up our plans to look for anything more to the south. But we've encountered some weird space life forms there.

Now we shall leave for the "New Zealand Cluster" and map some systems there. I think that from that point I'll try to make it ro Heart & Soul Nebulae to step back on my previous path. I feel I' cant wait any longer to fly again on my own path.
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