Logbook entry

Floalk Oasis - ELW in Floalk MT-G d11-100

02 Jul 2021Gregorio Cortez
Leaving the IGAU Cygni-Vanguard I headed towards Colonia, but when as far as just 252Ly when I stopped.
In a system named Floalk MT-G d11-100 I have discovered a planet, resembling Earth in almost every aspect.

The Floalk World has atmosphere almost identical to the one on Earth, pressure almost identical and nearly the same gravity. The only main difference was that it orbits a F class star with orbital period over 1400 days which means that seasons are much longer and weather changes less intense.

The system itself is quite juicy for explorers containing two terreformable High Metal Content Worlds and multiple landable moons of gas giants. Unfortunately I had no time to map them all, so if anyone hangs out around there might be a great opportunity to grab the surface scanner and map this system.

I however had to say farewell to my beauty discovery and head out to Colonia instead.

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