Logbook entry

Commanders Log 07-01-3034 In Shiny Red Racing Paint

15 Feb 2021Matteus_Prime
The scene opens with a shiny new ship Hurtling through space near HIP 22550. . .The camera zooming into the bridge of an attractive vessel in unscathed "racing red" paint.

Tripping balls on a tetra-meth stim, watching the warp through my new panoramic cockpit, I grin as I listen hard for the less than futuristic sound of my Vulture's labouring thrusters and FSD. "Never again" I grin as I promise myself that this is the new benchmark.
I chuckle and look around for loose wires or ad hoc fittings that made up part of the survivalist ambience in not only my Vulture but the Diamondback Ex too.
But there are no sounds of effort or stress. And there is no sign of patchwork or rushed engineering.  In fact this cockpit is perfection in muted grey.  
It would be responsible to say that I checked all the facts and stats and reviews and everything before I bought this shiny new Mamba.
But I didn't.
The fact is that I fell in love with this ship the same way I fell in love with my first electric guitar.  No brains or logic.  Just raw appeal, awe and inspiration.  It reminds me of ancient Terra
personal-transportation units from the 20th century called Aston Martin's.
"Why did I buy you when so many piers suggested I go for your rival and almost un-identical twin. The Fer De lance?"
"I don't really want to know Commander" replied Verity in her expected deadpan.  Ignoring my best friend request I continued:
"Well, my answer is this: My great great great grandfather lived on Terra one. I recall stories of how he always wanted a sports auto but remained practical and never got one.  He wanted it in black. With a massive engine and lust-inducing bodywork.  But everyone told him that it was frivolous and a waste.  So he died never having felt that rush"
Turning to face her interior detection sensors like I would look at someone's eyes when I talk to them, I stand tall and proud,
"Well, I say frag that! It's 3307! I killed and was killed plenty o' times to earn this. No! To deserve this! And at 78, my mid-life crisis is in full fragging swing!"
"Good for you Commander"  the A.I replies.
Smiling like a Cheshire cat I stagger over to the comm panel and start hitting the keys. . .
Dravend: We did it man. I got the ship. Thanks for the help, advice and financial backing from Cerberus Squadron. I thank you and owe you my allegiance.  
Now to get this beast engineered.
CMDR Matteus_Prime of the Mamba Class - Thanatos
"There," I muse out loud as I hit send and take another sip of alcho-pop, "You see Verity?!? Manners maketh the man!"
I take note of the improved AI in the Mamba Class as Verity replies in a dry, unimpressed tone: "Commander the last time we... you got drunk you put in my power cells backwards and we got stranded in the Diamondback for 11 days.  Do you think this is a good idea?"
"Oh stoppit you!" I sneer as I walk over to the dispenser to get a refill, "Always trying to nano everyth..." Mid strut, my leg brushes the supercruise controller and pushes the newly minted thrusters to full power, sending me flying to the back of the cockpit. Alcho-pop soaking my jumpsuit.  
"It is recommended that ship personnel fully secure all luggage and wear their seatbelts during fli...."
"Verity I could swear it sounds like you're being sarcastic?"
"Oohh no of course not captain! Me? I'm just not capable of such advanced human emotions!"

Camera slowly zooms out to lose the speeding vessel in the the ocean of darkness and stars.
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︎0 Shiny!
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