Logbook entry

Commanders log: 25-11-3033 A Killer Tan and Vivid Dreams

15 Feb 2021Matteus_Prime
The last 72 hours started with me drooling over my newest ship and commander Ryker continually telling me that black isn't a practical colour for a Mamba.
There was ample sounds of oohing and aahing from bystanders as I took it out of the hangar on Friday night, only to lose it within 3 minutes of entering a nearby conflict zone.

The ships hoard went from 22 million to 1 250 000 in a matter of a few short hours. Several crashes (and I mean enemies literally ramming my ship when they neared death), poor inertia compensation and not having memorised my new weapons and their groups enough to use them effectively.

But we didn't give up. Not in the slightest.
Ignoring the immense protesting from Ryker, I dropped back down to my Vulture and went out to the Res Ex sites in the system to protect them from undesirables. A few more hours went by and with the ships funding having grown from "pathetic! you call yourself a pilot?" to "10 million? yeah maybe we can take those training wheels off again" I was ready to get back into my serpent and try again.
We decided that the only thing for it was to get stronger. I plotted a route back to Deciat and returned to Farseer where we read everything with a fine tooth comb.
After my eureka moment I spent the rest of the day visiting planets in Deciat and grinding for engineering mats. Deciat 5, 3 and 4 were highly suited to our needs. Only thing the ship still needs is Eccentric Hyperspace Trajectories. Tonight I will be visiting nav beacons and scanning ships and wakes and then off to Wolf for my Rail guns and Multi Cannons.
Lastly, and on a more personal note. I'm being plagued by dreams of great torment. Counsellor Troi thinks they are merely the results of some ripe vulcan fruits we had for dinner a few nights ago but I feel that they are perhaps something more.
The dream the same every night: Im standing at an outfitting terminal looking through the systems and modules of my Mamba. Im calm and relaxed until I see the Autopilot Docking Assist. Then the sudden and seemingly intelligent idea hits me. . "Why not remove the assist and replace it with something that will give you an edge in combat? What about an in flight repair system? That would be highly suited to our mission!"
It's then the dream stops and the nightmare begins. Suddenly I'm lost in the imagery of imminent crashing. "Shields Offline" and "Hull damage critical" and red lights.
Then I wake in a sheen of fever sweat.

In light of these. . . premonitions I have decided to not remove the Auto Dock Assist, but merely deactivate it. This ship will be running manual docking until we have it down perfect, before we remove the Auto Dock entirely.

o7 - CMDR Matteus Prime of the Mamba Class -Thanatos
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