Logbook entry

Commander Log 01-02-3034 Acquiring the Bug

15 Feb 2021Matteus_Prime
The past few cycles have been incredible. My understanding of the various trading, outfitting and exploration systems are growing at a decent rate and most of my conscious time has been spent at the helm.
I recall my first few hours in this reality (approx. 6 months ago real-time)...

Careening into structures, getting fines and destroying my ship.
Being lost.
Trying to improve my understanding of space, time and the FSD
Destroying my ship
Running out of fuel
Getting ganked
Thinking I finally understand
Realising I don't understand and there is so much more to space travel and survival than meets the eye
Destroying my ship
Deciding that flight assist off is just stupid and that no one would ever voluntarily turn it off.
But that was all a few months ago and through perseverance some awesome Commanders and the sheer love of science and space travel. Allow me to share a summarised schedule:
Friday Nocturnal Cycle:
Cargo runs with a good friend, made around 70 mill and bought a Python.
Saturday Solar Cycle:
F.A. - off training first around station, then dogfights with Commander Orion Solar in Viper IV's & Mamba's
Emergency financial reshuffling - Sold my python
Threat 7 pirate encounter in a wing of 2. - Managed to survive.
Conflict zone hunting with 2 Mamba's in wing with Orion Solar - That was adrenaline. Pure and simple.
Saturday Nocturnal Session:
Huge grind for bounties in system
Sightseeing in the Diamondback Ex - Just got it up to 45y jump range. Were getting there.
Loved the Diamondback Ex but want it to be a specialised jump ship so purchased a Krait MK II for Exploration - Named it, painted it. Love it.
Some planetary scans and landings for resources
General perving at the Krait, moving the exterior cam to view it upside down and then right side up - Wondering if it was drugs that made them build it that way.
Deciding that flight assist in combat is really only for stabilising long-range shots and that it's very chunky and bulky in CQC.
My thanks go out to CMDR Orion Solar for comradery and guidance. I can't wait to get back out there. Tonight I hope to get some assignments done.

Fly dangerous Commanders. O7
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