Logbook entry

Sounds of the Tubus Conifer (Land Down Under)

24 Jul 2021Tyy'sun Eson
The physics of sound is a fascinating field of study and the recent ability to land on low pressure atmosphere worlds has enabled Tyy’sun Eson to set up recording equipment to sample the sounds of these alien worlds. Of particular note have been Tubus Conifers found in the Sanguineous Rim region of the Galaxy, well south of the bubble. During the ‘Land Down Under’ expedition, Eson and his crew set up near a field of these beautiful biologics for photography and noted a low toned howl erupting from the tube structures of the plant during gusts of carbon dioxide wind. As the gusts of wind catch the edge of the tube, it sheers down the cylinder exciting the carbon dioxide molecules to oscillate, resonating with the inherent frequencies of the tube shape and ultimately belching forth a pure tone. When multiple Tubus Conifers are present, they reward listeners with a chorus of song. Further analysis of the exobiology samples taken is needed. It is hoped to determine the extent to which the vibrations of each tube plays a role in the function of the plant itself. Several of the more artistic members of Eson's crew have vowed to grow Tubus Conifers in the lab with these samples with the express purpose of creating instruments and music with them one day. Download mp3 of this report and the Tubus Conifers here

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