Logbook entry

Discovery of Pamantesc - A colony Envisioned

28 Sep 2021Tyy'sun Eson
Tyy'sun Eson sat studying charts in the aft laboratory of the Cuatator de Adevar, the reddish brown deserts of Athaip VU-N c23-677 B 6 visible through the windows nearby. Smoke hung lazily in the air between noisy gusts of the life support system filtering out the smog from the damage of a lowpass gone bad by friend and fellow explorer CMDR Green Delta 11. Eson did not hold it against the old man, he meant well and was a far better pilot, but the repairs were not complete yet. To pass the time Tyy'sun poured over the data from his exploration survey of Azura space quietly while his crew worked to patch up the ship.

The planet they were on was special to Eson in a few ways. Firstly, it was a terraformable world. Secondly, it contained a thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide. Thirdly it was geologically active. And fourthly, it features life in the form of Sinuous Tubers - not unlike the cacti found in desert terrain on Earth. Further study revealed that the planet was ideal for a pre-terraforming settlement and this is what gave Eson true pause to invite a few explorers to join him to take a closer look. Knowing that the fledgling Azura Initiative would likely attract settlers from the primary bubble in the Inner Orion Spur, Eson was keen to be among the first to discover potential sites where scientists and frontiersmen would set up shop to begin the long terraforming process. The first discovery of this world went to an unknown-to-Eson pilot named Mathieous Harker, but Eson was first to map and footfall the promising world.

Closing the data screen he was staring at, Tyy'sun breathed a sigh of contemplation. The planet would need a name. After a bit of back and forth with crew members Zahara Clayton and Daiana Tyson the name "Pamantesc" was arrived upon. It was not long after this that Tyy'sun was writing up a proposal to the Director of the Azura Initiative Jbshadow for submission of Pamantesc to the initiative-systems database.

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