Logbook entry

The IGAU Experience

16 Aug 2021Tyy'sun Eson
13 MAY 3307 - Tyy'sun Eson has not been able to take many excursions off the traveling carrier as other private issues have taken much of his time, but has instead been curating the new guild in his free time while Michael Rhodes executes a methodical journey back to the bubble. Eson would be compiling data and reports in the labs to attempt to legitimize his name as an explorer and a scientist among the wider scientific community, particularly the Intergalactic Astronomical Union. In his off hours, however, Tyy'sun has found time and interest to observe a promising expedition by the exploration squadron Stellar Cartographer's Guild lead by CMDR PontifusRex and their carrier SCG Tycho Brahe V0K 61B which is actively charting neutron star fields in the Trojan Belt while transmitting live data to the labs at Explorer's Guild.


16 MAY 3307 - The stellar winds of change. Tyy'sun Eson knew he was going to the bubble, but for some reason he did not expect to depart so rapidly and so fully from the Quantum Harmonic. Having made many friends and close contacts there, he eagerly awaits announcements of their next moves, though it would appear Captain Michael Rhodes is looking at an extended preparatory stay in the bubble, with the announcements about new exo-suit technology hitting the market soon, it makes sense.

However, as Eson has transferred his ships and equipment and labs from the carrier to Jameson Memorial he has been quite distracted with the design of a new Beluga to suit his future needs, as reward for the hard work and prosperity from the 'In Search of Gwydion' expedition. During his first test flights he made the decision to apply formally to The Intergalactic Astronomical Union. His acceptance is exciting to him and his entire crew, knowing there is much to be learned and gained from the association for Eson's scientific and exploration endeavors!

23 MAY 3307 Squadron Expedition - Along with the new exploration suit technology being released to the markets has come a host of technical difficulties and troubleshooting for many of the networked systems of space travel, from the scanning equipment to the frameshift drives themselves. This has led to some frustrating attempts to cross interstellar space to rendezvous with a squadron carrier destined for the deep. Thankfully these attempts were ultimately successful. Eson and his crew, along with modules and several exploration vessels, laboratory equipment and experiments are on board the IGAU carrier and settled for the journey which is now well under way.

The journey is a small scale, private survey performed in the traditional style of the Intergalactic Astronomical Union, promising a comprehensive education in the efficient collection and management of data as well as an inside look into the research process. Interested in learning, Eson and his crew are determined to make a strong contribution to the survey, as well as set up the various technical tools that provide the organization with the valuable data they will soon collect.


06 JUN 3307 - IGAU Survey Continues - Out in the black once more, Eson is in his element. Conducting the survey for IGAU has been educational. Their approach is to target specific mass boxels and survey the entire boxel using the Jump Planner. This method has been both enjoyable and useful. Accepting his assignment, Tyy'sun Eson and the Anaconda crew have been steadily working their way through their boxel, have located two Earthlike worlds, an Ammonia world, a plethora of genetic data, including many Brain Trees, and a registration on the official codex reporting system. Some of the landable atmospheric worlds have yielded truly stunning sights and terrain.

Tyy'sun's associates in the Explorer's Guild have geared up and gone West of the bubble for some exploration, an event Eson will have to miss but he does hope to reconnect with Michael Rhodes, Senatorkelly and Delta Green to properly celebrate the rechristening of Quantum Harmonic to Kearsarge soon.


JUL 3307 - Paying it Forward, Tyy’sun Eson and his crew have endeavored on an expedition far south of the bubble, deep into the voids of Kepler’s Crest, the Sanguineous Rim and the Formadine Rift. Hosted by the Rook Platoon, the expedition was known as ‘The Land Down Under’ and featured a caravaning carrier group of three. Lacking the longer range capabilities of many well-engineered ships, Eson and the Cuatador de Adavar kept close to the carriers for support while venturing out into the darkness between the stars. Most of these points of light and their various astronomical bodies have been charted by other pilots as they are quite far and few between, but many opportunities for exo-biological research presented themselves and quite a few first footfalls were confirmed. Included among the better finds was a world that was strikingly Earthlike despite its thin Ammonia atmosphere, featuring sprawling green pastures of rock augmented by patches of red fungoids, a stark blue sky and soaring mountains. Visiting several famous points of interest, including the ‘Ferris Wheel’, Eson and crew were not disappointed in the journey and made several contacts with explorers worthy of friendship - not least among them Commanders Hachero, , Richard Fluiraniz M. and knight-owl each of which opted to join the Explorer’s Guild. Reports to the leadership of IGAU by The Rook Platoon of Tyy’sun Eson’s helpfulness in teaching boxel exploration techniques and the use of various third party tools such as EDJP as well as helping bridge the Rook Platoon into positive relations with IGAU resulted in a promotion within his squadron to Associate Scientist!

During Expedition Eson studied and released a report on the Sounds of the Tubus Conifer


JUL 3307 - Returning to the bubble, Tyy’sun Eson had his eyes set on the distant IGAU Exo-biology Survey at Vulcan Gate directed by the famous CMDR Marx, but opted to first venture back to the squadron exclusive Guardian-Ruins survey approximately halfway between the bubble and the Core, where his fleet remains aboard the IGAU Founder’s personal carrier. Excited by the discovery of two newly discovered ruins sites, Eson and crew contributed to the survey by scouting helium levels in various boxels of stars in support of a few prevailing theories as to the distribution pattern of the ancient alien civilization.


AUG 3307 - Unable to find an easy transport of his fleet to Vulcan Gate for now, the emergence of a new project known as The Azura Initiative taking shape 3,000 light years from the Core piqued Eson’s interest enough to set sail for their waters for a visit. This Azura Initiative intends to establish a bubble of their own specializing in mining and tritium fuel markets useful to exploration carrier groups passing through the famous and popular region. Doing so has netted Tyy’sun an honorary membership to this organization and it is hoped these early good relations may yield fruitful benefits down the road as it grows in scope and influence. This new bubble initiative, directed by Jbshadow of The Stellar Cartographer’s Guild will provide Tyy’sun some exploration opportunities as he helps them survey for Tritium hotspots and interesting points of interest within their space. Until then a keen eye is being kept on opportunities to transport the fleet onto a carrier heading for Vulcan Gate as to save on costs, as well as gathering a group of interested pilots associated with the Explorer’s Guild who might make the trip with him and join in Wing/Multicrew sessions.


02 SEP 3307 - Tyy’sun Eson slammed the datapad in his hand down on the console unit in the laboratory in frustration and dismay. On it read a notice of dismissal from the Intergalactic Astronomical Union. He had just been promoted a few weeks earlier to associate scientist - an accolade that legitimized Eson’s career. But now, without justification or any real provocation on Eson’s part, he had just been fired from the elite squadron. Shaking his head and swallowing back a bit of anger, Eson also realized his fleet was now stranded on board an IGAU carrier tens of thousands of lightyears from the bubble. It may well cost him his fortune to transfer the ships after all. So much wasted credits and investment. His crew would not be pleased, but they would be paid from Eson’s pocket if need be.

Despite these developments and after a bit of soul searching, Eson came to a place of acceptance on the matter and vowed to throw himself into his work at the Azura Initiative for the time being. It seems he is a free agent once more; so be it! He may be able to recoup some of the transfer fees from a deep survey of Azura space, and already had a few positive response letters from interested scientists and frontiersmen back in the primary bubble regarding the freshly surveyed world of Pamantesc. There were also several promising exploration squadrons on his short list he might apply to. Perhaps even The Stellar Cartographer’s Guild, where some of Eson’s past expedition associates have taken up residency, who are the primary sponsors of the Azura Initiative. Food for thought.

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