Logbook entry

Stellar Cartographers Guild & The Azura Initiative - New Beginnings

14 Sep 2021Tyy'sun Eson
Tyy’sun Eson inputted the last of his application to The Stellar Cartographer’s Guild quietly on his datapad while sipping a lavian brandy on board the Paragon’s Retreat in Azura Initiative Space. Eson was familiar with and fond of several members of the squadron and recalls when SCG was first founded earlier in the year along side his own guild. The founder himself, CMDR PontifusRex and Angusmadmac1 aka angusmadmac1 aka The Bar Manager have been most supportive of the Explorer’s Guild over the months, participating in the lab work needed to compile the database and it is with a hopeful nod to himself that Tyy’sun begins another chapter in his career. Additionally, several members of the Explorer's Guild from the In Search of Gwydion expedition including Captain Michael Rhodes of the SCG Kearsarge and Green Delta 11 also joined SCG nicely rounding out an inner circle of friends that Eson is looking forward to doing more exploration with in the near future. Last but not least, the Azura Initiative that Tyy’sun is currently helping is Directed by another member of SCG Commander Jbshadow. The thought that Eson probably should have just joined this squadron in the first place does cross his mind, but he did find the connections and career advancements he made under the IGAU banner to be of value despite anything else. Quite satisfied with his decision, Tyy'sun finished his drink and stood from the table to make his way back to his ship to inform the crew of the Cuatator de Adevar of their new association!

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