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Home at Last

01 Oct 2021Tyy'sun Eson
A stuck fleet solution finally presented itself to Tyy’sun as he trawled the fleet carrier owner’s club itineraries - a carrier would be departing Sagittarius A for the primary bubble and would pass directly by the IGAU carrier his fleet was docked at, it had the necessary services including a shipyard and would save him a fortune in transport costs. He would simply have to make the trip to the supermassive black hole, only a few thousand light years away and buckle up for a day to make the transport order at the appropriately strategic time. This along with module transfers happened without issue and within a day or two Tyy’sun Eson found himself back in the bubble sipping drinks at Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra, his fleet, assets and extended crew safe and sound in Founder’s World.

With future plans to return to Azura Space to continue his survey activity and to join in the mining efforts, Tyy’sun found himself with some time on his hands. He contacted some old friends and cruised the bubble and nearby regions in search of interesting sights to see. Hachero was happy to telepresence on board his ship, and Michael Rhodes and Dr. Schaffer Collateral joined in via voice communication for an intriguing jaunt into Colonial space surrounding humanity’s primary habitats. With Hachero setting the waypoints by the starcharts, a beautiful purple ringed iceworld with an Oxygen atmosphere was explored for some time and an impressive set of Astrophotagraphy resulted from the brief expedition . At the end of this venture tentative plans to re-join the SCG Kearsarge were made, one of Eson’s favorite carriers, with the knowledge that captain Michael Rhodes would eventually chart a path back toward the core to the Azura Initiative.

While in the bubble Tyy’sun Eson could not forget his family, nor his plans to develop the planet Pamantesc back in Azura Space for colonization. He set course for Olgrea and toured the system and planet of his birth before contacting his family. He had drinks on the promenade of Warner Station orbiting New Gotham with his mother, sister and brother and caught up on old times before transferring them all a healthy stipend from his many travels. Their positions in the agricultural field had progressed considerably since he was younger but it was his pride to help them in any way he could, refusing to forget where he came from.

Afterward, Eson contacted agricultural scientists from Alioth Independents and proposed his plans for a settlement on the terraformable world of Pamantesc. Successful, he also put out an ad for any frontiersmen and women interested in starting a new life away from the hustle of the bubble. It would be some time before everyone was gathered but he was confident there would be plenty of room for these settlers on board his ships as well as the Kearsarge.

Finally he contacted Dr. Gregory Schaffer, M.D. at Specialized Expeditions Incorporated to propose a medical service contract for the Pamantesc settlement, knowing they would need a good doctor in the times ahead. The proposal did not require a physical presence but stipulates office hours and telepresence availability and promises state of the art medical drone technology would be implemented with full authorization to Dr. Schaffer in cases of emergency or surgical needs. Tyy’sun made sure to include a more than fair yearly salary for his friend. Awaiting the Doctor’s reply, Eson finally could relax for awhile before needing to gather supplies, settlers and scientists for the big transfer to the SCG Kearsarge.
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