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Azura Initiative - The Spy Who Pinged Me

16 Apr 2022Tyy'sun Eson

This scene is a collaborative RP between CMDRs Tyy'sun Eson and Rixses on the Azura Initiative discord.
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(Several days after the initial communication from Rixses)
A researcher calls to you and stops you for a moment. They hand you a datapad with the daily reports on various projects and efforts. Nothing seemed strange at first, but after reviewing several reports you notice several glaring errors that would normally be unforgivable. None of your team are this incompetent. Then, just before you go to start looking into the glaring errors, you notice a small 16-bit styled graphic in the lower corner. It looks like a cartoonish depiction of a Sprite... Looking up, the researcher is nowhere to be seen.

Maybe there is something more to this datapad or the falsified reports therein...


Accepting the datapad from the researcher passing by is as routine as reaching for a drink of something like coffee while doing deskwork in his office, requiring no thought at all. And so it is with Eson now, pausing in the corridors of Paragon's Retreat to read over the only one-of-many reports he has already poured over today. With furrowed brows he takes it all in. This doesn't make any sense. He looks over his shoulder to see if the researcher is still nearby, wondering what department he should blame for this incompetency when he notices the sprite icon and begins to realize there is more here than meets the eye. Within minutes he is back in his office, the datapad in front of him and a private communications patch to his personal ship, "Daiana.. Patch into AzCorp security feeds and get me any footage from corridor B9 in the last hour, thank you.. No everything is fine, but I'd like to know the identity of a researcher I encountered in the hallway, very important.. Yes. Alright." The signal goes directly to an earpiece. Knowing it will take her some time to extract the footage he wants, Eson leans back at his desk and takes the datapad in hand.. he finally presses the Sprite icon and looks on with interest..


At the touch, the image of the Sprite bounces up and to the middle of the screen. Then grows larger. A conversation bubble appears overhead and looks to be coming out of its mouth, as if it's speaking.
"Welcome Director! How can I help you today? "

Below the Sprite an entry box appears with a similar form to the chat bubble over top. There is a text entry field. It appears as if you're to continue the conversation.


"What exactly is it that you have here, Captain?" asks Daiana over the comms to Tyy'sun, calling him by the designation that she knows him best by.
He answers her into the air absent mindedly while considering what he wants to type into the datapad in reply. "A datapad someone handed me in the corridor and now it is presenting a chat display.." He says while beginning to punch in some letters..
"And you're just going to open it and start typing? That thing could be anything, Eson.. why don't you let me take it in for analysis before it explodes in your face or something?"
"You worry too much, Daiana. It's probably Rixses' fancy friend and I'm not exactly a political target." Eson catches his tongue between his teeth and finishes punching in the message: Or perhaps I should be asking you the same?
Daiana continues to talk, "I have that footage you wanted.. uplinking from the hangar bay to your office."


The readout appears to process for a moment and then updates to say "I'm sorry. I don't seem to understand that query." then a few seconds later returns to the normal datapad screen with the same tiny 16-bit Sprite graphic in the bottom corner. It appears that whatever you did, the program was not designed for. Tapping the graphic again returns you to the same welcome screen and again says "Welcome Director! How can I help you today?". Perhaps there is something specific you should be asking it...

The security footage for the corridor B9 is typical of the days events. During the time in question a middle aged male researcher approaches you, hands you the datapad, and walks off. Just like any other would normally do if in a hurry. The difference this time is that after you watch them enter the crowd further down the corridor, they seem to disappear. Not showing up on any other camera feeds.
The researcher appeared male, about your height, had a short braid of dark brown hair on one side of their head, and also carried a small sample bag. The same type used to transport physical sample canisters from one lab to another.


"You know this guy is Imperial, right? Your friend.."
Daiana's voice continues to prattle on as Eson furrows his brow at the datapad and then stubbornly fingers the 16-bit Sprite graphic in the bottom corner repeatedly. "So what?" he asks while turning the datapad over in his hands and examining the back of it briefly before setting it on his desk and turning to review the footage streaming to his desk monitor.
"So he acts like a real operative this guy.. and who is this 'beebbs' fellow exactly? I swear Eson you guys let anyone into that Cartographer's Guild who can say the word exploration."
Eson sighs and shakes his head, "I don't care where he's from, Daiana, he's from our squadron and he's asking for our help. You know the AI is neutral to the Sol powers and so is the SCG." He scrunches his nose at the visual of the man disappearing so adeptly into the crowds and not showing up on any other footage. He is unable to get any clear view of a badge or ID number on his research uniform as well.
"Not for long if you get us embroiled in an interstellar incident.." Daiana's voice says under her breath in reply. Eson pretends not to hear it.
Remembering somethign CMDR Rixses said earlier, Tyy'sun types something new into the datapad after it makes the same inquiry: 'how did the Chameleon Nebula trip go?'


The readout updates...
Message transmitted Commander.
Glad I could help."

A moment later the screen flickers and snaps back to a basic datapad. No Sprite or sign of anything unusual about it.

The next day you notice on your itinerary that you have a 45 minute lunch scheduled. It just simply says "Lunch", as if it were for a meeting. But no further details...


Eson is frustrated with the gadgetry and clandestine movements of this fellow, as it was quickly becoming evident that there are forces in the galaxy with toys and techniques well beyond anything he has ever understood. Still, he was not yet afraid of the situation, despite any warnings and concerns from his crew, Eson opened his schedule the next day around lunchtime, let his assistant know that his office is open to visitors, loaded a single light pistol which is concealed compactly under his flight jacket at the waist and sits at his desk to order a meal for delivery. He does not tell anyone but his personal crew about the lunch meeting, and accepts no armed guard, though he does allow Daiana Tyson to monitor the situation from the ship in the hangar. Tyy'sun Eson can be found in his office in the Tribunal slowly munching away at a salad and chuckling at an AInet broadcast about some 'Black Mesa Beast'. He figures, if this guy can move around the capital with impunity he can find the director's office. Then again, maybe he needed Eson to go down to the Bar or cafeteria? Well whatever.


About forty minutes into your lunch, salad mostly gone, the door chimes and a young pilot wearing a uniquely interesting flight suit enters before you can respond to the chime.
The pilot is maybe in her late twenties, about five foot six inches tall, and slender. Notably female with ample breasts and, even though the unique flight suit masks them, curves to match. Her hair is about mid-back length, a rich golden blond, and tucked neatly into a braid over one shoulder. A slight rounded chin and dimples that defy her supposed age.

Coming over to the desk and taking a seat she says "Greetings Director. It's a pleasure to meet a friend of Rix all the way out here. Even I didn't know he had friends in such high places, even though remote." She sets an AI ident badge down on your desk. It has her picture and all the normal identity information, except notably, lacking a rank, title, or clearance. The name reads Beatrix Burbarry...


Eson stands at the appearance of the female pilot while setting aside the finished remains of his salad and nods his head in greeting with a warm smile, "Believe me you aren't the only one surprised to find me in a high place. I've only recently been scraped off the cartographics lanes and pushed behind a desk and I'm not sure I like it. Call me Tyy'sun. Its a pleasure to finally meet you.. beebbs." He walks around the desk to extend a handshake. "Rix as you call him, seems to be quite concerned about you. Is there something we can do for you here at Azura to help you out of some sort of trouble?"


She shakes your hand with what seems to be a since of gratitude and you notice a small 'wince' at the name Beebbs. "Honestly, I'm just glad to have confirmed friendlies around for the moment. When I left the Bubble, Rix was out of commission and I can only assume I tripped some sort of alert with a project I was working on. That's why I left in such a hurry, even with Rix in the state he was..." She says with a note of guilt in her voice. "I surmise that Rix is finally up and about. How is he doing?" She asks.


"Out of commission?" Eson asks, intrigued. His handshake is firm but friendly, and he is not insensitive to her reaction to 'Beebbs', though he is glad to affirm her identity. As he listens to her talk he gestures to a chair in his office. He closes the door as well and sets his schedule to booked before fixing a drink of something that could be described as coffee and offers her one as well. He basically sees to both their privacy and her comfort before returning to his seat at the desk. "My associate is listening in, I hope you don't mind, we tend to come as a package. But this correspondence is otherwise private I assure you. As far as I know Rix is just fine, and I was unaware of any troubles. Are they related to your own urgent situation in some way, Ms. Burbarry?"


She welcomes the coffee and produces a flask from somewhere to top it off.
"Oh, I made sure your comms relays were secure before I entered. I don't mind you having an extra ear. Just as long as the only other ears are the ones intended." she says and then takes a long drink of the coffee.
She continues "I don't think his troubles were connected, but I'm not sure. I don't know what he told you but he was out on some sort of expedition based around a myth. He turned up on the other side of the Bubble in a coma having been stuck in Rimlok too long. I was working on a decryption project and I must have missed tracer demon in the data shard. Before I knew it all my alarms were blaring that an unsecure signal was sent from my work station. So I beat dirt as it were. Mostly for now though, I just need a place to lay low. But..."
She pauses for a moment, calculating. "If I could impose for a small data lab. I need to setup a secure link with Rix. I've... Some special hardware designs and would be happy to establish a new dat.comm system back to the Bubble for you. It's realtime direct. No relays. No interference. Unbreakable. I've a few point connections setup in the Bubble. I'm sure the network would be a boost to your local security and coordination efforts."


Eson nods quietly while listening, adding that "I am glad he is alright.." regarding Rixses expedition incident. It is interesting, expeditions seem to be becoming more dangerous in recent months. As the discussion turns more toward the practical aspects of the woman's needs Eson continue to nod, his own thoughts turning. "How low do you want to go, Ms. Burbarry? You are already laying low galactically just by being here. But Azura space has it's own low if you wish even more cover. I have something in mind but it might feel remote, and it wont be in the capital. Assuming it is nothing dangerous, you would have a lab and be able to build a prototype of this.. hardware at your leisure. If it does everything you claim, I don't doubt the Tribunal would be quite appreciative."


"Burbarry isn't even my real name Director." She says shaking her head. "Tyy'sun" She corrects. "I think this ident is plenty deep cover for now. Though you might formalize it and fill in the blanks as you deem appropriate. If you have an idea of a place for me, I'll fill it while I'm here. I've already moved around your space quite freely and no scanner, camera, or database you have here will have record of me without me wishing it. I don't care if I'm here in the capital or elsewhere. I just need a lab and access to resources. Rix usually provided me with that." She states with a noticeable amount of indifference. It doesn't seem any cover or exile would be problematic for her.
"Once I have the lab and a few resources it'll only take a few days to setup one small link console. At least then I can get this data package to Rix. Beyond that... Anything you could do to help would be greatly appreciated. In return, I'll help however I can while I'm here. Though, if you want a full dat.comm network using this tech... That'll take some weeks to outfit a primary station and a few support satellites throughout your space."


Eson pats the air as the woman speaks, nodding, "I presume you like your privacy, Beatrix. I've no need to know more than what is necessary, frankly." Eson stands now and draws closer, lowering his voice, "But if I wished to lay low while working a lab at Azura.. I would do it at the Solace outpost, the jeh-anders-memorial" he lifts his chin, considering Rix's friend before him before adjusting his glasses and nodding to himself. "Yes, and I'll arrange for a ship we have several markets opening up with New London anchoring last week I think something can be arranged so you can find your way around Azura space without depending on any transport captain charity. The only people who go to Solace are maintenance crews on the Tribunal payroll, friend, you will not be bothered there and may stay as long as you need. You should be able to make contact with anyone you like from there. I will of course arrange the access you need under the alias you've already created." He steps past her toward the door but pauses before opening it to signify the meeting should now be winding down, "how does that sound then?"


"Very well. That should work well and I thank you for the help." As she gets up to leave she hands you a data shard. "Slot this into your personal terminal and authenticate it using your ID. It'll run a deamon and setup a secure short range comms link directly to me in case you need to get in touch. At least until the new dat.comm is up and running." She stops for a moment just before she exits "And Director... Once I get in touch with Rix, I'll see about bringing you and maybe some of your trusted staff up to date on a few activities that might be of interest." Then she continues out and the moment she outside, you swear she seems just like one of the crew.


Eson sees the door close behind her and takes a deep breath, shaking his head slowly. "Interesting times." he notes into the air before returning to his desk. He will have a small ship, depending on the markets at new-london transferred over so that Beatrix Burbarry finds it offered up to her in the hangar bays next time she accesses the central capital computers.
"That's one way to put it.." Daiana agree's over comms.
Eson upgrades Burbarry's security access to include research management at the Solace Outpost.. "How about that tech she was talking about, was that anything?"
"Yes.. that'd be something, if true. Although the AINet Broadcasters might assassinate you if we can pipe in direct from the bubble, so there is your interstellar incident. But You wont find me complaining about the reception." She laughs. Eson doesn't.

Communications System Direct Link
Link Established: Signal Level Strong
Message Follows

To the ATTN of: Aiza Murphy at New London Shipyard
From: AI Tribunal | Director's Office
Order: 1 Diamondback Explorer Stock
Delivery: Paragon's Retreat
Registry: Beatrix Burbarry AI Research
Billing: Tyy'sun Eson AI Tribunal <personal account>

End Scene
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