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Azura Initiative - AINet Newscast

14 Jun 2022Tyy'sun Eson
AINet News Freq 42 broadcasts wide over the Stellar Monitoring Array their 'State of Azura' quarterly newscast: Download the mp3 Audio here

This is Lorno Ungram with A.I. Net News providing this quarter’s State of Azura report. For those in the Empyrean Straits it is a radioactive June in the year of 3308. At the bustling Azura Initiative bubble the fleet and circumstances are ever evolving. With the arrival of economic interests from abroad such as Starpiercer Atmospherics, sphere carriers like New London station, Stellar Nomad station, Black Mesa East research and the travelers hub at Interstellar Exchange, the infrastructure of the sphere has grown. Colonies have also begun to sprout around the sphere. Not least among them is Eevie: a small body colony with terraforming ambitions of their own founded by Charles H. Starpiercer. Also consider PCAC, an agricultural collective from Chilton Terminal led by Aurora Bael who has vowed to arrive at Pamantesc colony with farmers and scientists by the hundreds. In addition, Station commander Danly049 has formed an agricultural colony of their own on the Earthlike world beneath Stellar Nomad station. A new station has also settled in the East: Death-Knell, a funeral service ship offering eccentric and practical ceremonies alike. It’s name invokes whispers by the nervous and macabre amongst the colonies, especially given recent events of a more dire nature.

From the explorers data pours daily, cataloging the undiscovered POI within the AI sphere, all with the hopes of gaining further entries into the prestigious new Galactic Exploration Catalog. FTL communications from the newly installed Stellar Monitoring Array bring comforts and practical enhancements to life in the core. This also allows for easier access to the wider galaxy all thanks to a rising star in the tribunal's research and development wing: Dr. Beatrix Burbarry. Speaking of the science wing, A new research vessel role has been instituted by the Azura Space Fleet with two new carriers fresh off the yard: Fleet master Hal Naren’s AIRV Otaman Sirko, and Director Tyy’sun Eson’s SCG Song of Azura. An expedition has been scheduled for July to Vulcan’s Gate for these carriers.

Still reeling from the recent clandestine attempt on Eson’s life, the director and Tribunal in the Azura bubble remain embroiled in stellar politics and security concerns. Yet Midst Rory Beal's investigations into an unknown enemy from within the Sol bubble, the sudden, mysterious but welcomed return of CMDR Jbshadow from the legendary pilgrimage shocked many who were still in mourning. In the Solward operations of the Azura Space Fleet the original founder has been quickly installed by shareholders as C.E.O. of Azura Corporation in Osismii. A changed man, quiet and determined, he now goes by Admiral Redres Sethran and seems bent on fresh conquests in civilized space. Some have whispered this is Azura's wrath against Sol for attacking her people. Indeed, Paragon’s Retreat, the capital station of the Azura bubble now departs under the command of Vice Admiral Rob Sibthorp, the Hand of Azura, to assist in Sethran's campaign. Also at his side: vice admirals Crimson Bear and Rangatira. Meanwhile back in the Azura bubble, ambitious station commanders eyeball the newly available capital slot with no one yet making a bid for the coveted market. All this while a fresh transport fleet takes formation under the watchful new management of logistics Tribunal Rick Floss.

Many questions remain unanswered. Will Rory Bael uncover those responsible for attacking Director Eson? Who will become the next Capital station of Azura? Will the lost treasure be found on the Eldritch Gate expedition? and Was Admiral Sethran really reanimated by Azura herself, as some elders in the library have whispered, to take the fight to Sol? Stay subscribed as AINet Freq 42 Uncovers the answers. I’m Lorno Ungram for AINet News.

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