Logbook entry

OCT 15 3302 PvP Log

15 Oct 2016OrgyMeyer
Oct 15 3302 (2 engagments)
Time: 05:51 (9 mins of combat action), 06:35 (5 mins of combat action)
Ship: Luxury Cruiser "Orgy's Prize" - Imperial Cutter
Location: Aramzahd

Situation: 3v4 Combat in wing with 13th legion vs Smiling Dog Crew and Dark Duo (two separate engagements)

Friendlies: CMDR Nightshady - FDL "Plague 1"
 CMDR Poizen22 - FDL "Crimson Lance"

Enemies: CMDR Oddisee - Anaconda "D.B. Cooper"
   CMDR Sundae - FDL "The Sound of Inevitability"
   CMDR Urion - Imperial Clipper
   CMDR William Starseeker - Imperial Cutter

   1st engagement
          CMDR Nightshady took the brunt of the SDC attack to his shields, which I was able to restore with my Prismatic green healing beam lasers. My shields were down to 10% or less by the time I was able to high wake out of the system. I led 3 of them away from the carnage while CMDR Nightshady and CMDR Poizen22 finished off CMDR Urion.

          Friendly losses:

         Enemy losses:
            CMDR Urion KIA - Imperial Clipper
  2nd engagement
         13th Legion ships focused fire on CMDR Urion, switching to CMDR William Starseeker after seeing him restoring CMDR Urion's shields. CMDR Nightshady was again the focus of SDC fire, and I was barely able to keep healing his shields up to the first ring. CMDR William Starseeker was quickly destroyed, but my shields were taken down in the chase. 34% damage to my ship after shields went down, I successfully escaped to high wake.

        Friendly losses:
       Enemy losses
          CMDR William Starlight KIA - Imperial Cutter
          CMDR Urion MIA - Imperial Clipper (possibly survived?)

Oct 15 3302 (supplemental)
Time: 07:12 (9 mins of combat action)
Ship: Luxury Cruiser "Orgy's Prize" (Imperial Cutter)
Location: Aramzahd

Situation: 3v5 Combat in wing with 13th legion vs Smiling Dog Crew and Dark Duo with Roy Fokker joining in with anchor

Friendlies: CMDR Nightshady - FDL "Plague 1"
  CMDR Poizen22 - FDL "Crimson Lance"

Enemies: CMDR Oddisee - Anaconda "D.B. Cooper"
  CMDR Sundae - FDL "The Sound of Inevitability"
  CMDR Urion - Imperial Clipper
  CMDR William Starseeker - Imperial Cutter
  CMDR Roy Fokker - Anaconda (anchored in)

13th legion concentrated fire on CMDR William Starlight, as his ship was providing healing beam support for the enemy. Shields almost failing, CMDR William Starlight executed a low wake jump to provide anchor for CMDR Roy Fokker. SDC wing then proceeded to then overwhelm my shields with concentrated fire. High wake was disrupted by destruction of my drives. Set stealth mode on and tried to reboot the drives when I was automatically ejected from the ship. CMDR Nightshady was then overwhelmed by SDC fire and was destroyed. CMDR Poizen22 safely high waked out of the system.

   Friendly losses
       Total loss of my ship (23 million rebuy) http://inara.cz/gallery/0/18411 Time: 07:21:06
        CMDR Nightshady KIA
   Enemy losses

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