Logbook entry

Arrived at The Zurara

20 Jul 2020Lythix
We've arrived at The Zurara.

I visited the ship and scanned her down. Few logs there, and apparently a conspiracy. Will have to keep my eyes open for more info on that.

Running low on fuel, we scanned down some systems looking for potential Tritium spots. Found on fairly good one and mined some to see how rich the spot was. Not too bad.
I then caught wind of another potentially double hotspot not too far away, so I went and investigated. Very rich in some of the more rare minerals, and almost a triple hotspot of Tritium.
Decided to put The Laudanum in orbit there and see if we can replentish our diminishing fuel store.

It's seems so much blacker out here, the systems are much further apart.

Cmdr Lythix
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