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Buckyball Racing Club Thargoid Structure Scramble Reconnoissance

13 Feb 2021User319792
The scuttlebutt over here at Reed's Rest led me over to the some folks that mentioned I've gotta run the race in a Cobra MK3, so I went over to Jameson to refit the Hermes. Transferred into the Euclid to get over to Reed's Rest only to find out there wasn't a shipyard there and I ended up having to head over to Atlas to get the Hermes shipped over. Naturally, on my way back to Reed's Rest in the Hermes after transferring over I was immediately interdicted by a Thargoid. Unbelievable. I managed to salvage the video from my black boxes

There were some guys sharing locations and routes but I decided against running their routes and checked in with the Galaxy Map, routing for:
HIP 17862
Pleiades Sector OD-S B4-1
Pleiades Sector JM-W D1-52

I decide to do a quick recon of the areas to see what's what and head back over to the crash site and the Hermes isn't showing the crash site on my External Panel anymore, which is weird, but it's swarmed by non-human signals so I decide to check one of them out and I'm immediately shot into space dust by these little gray things that look a lot like the one that attacked me way back when I first came out here.

So, of course, I drop the 135 credits to get myself back into the Hermes replacement vehicle before heading out again and I managed to get some photos during the recon run, which I'll also be logging shortly.

HIP 17862 turned out to be a bust, other than the other Thargoid crash site I came across on 6 C A, but after some further recon I found a route.

Once I finish up the race, maybe a couple of runs depending on my times, I may stick around here and do a little mining/exploring.

I'll need to get back to Cubeo soon to run some more pledges. That Galactic Summit in Sirius coming up, though, and that witch Torval is gonna be acting Chancellor until it's over. Maybe I can do some quick trading runs and pick up a Type-10 to come back here and show these things how I really feel about them, or maybe head over to Sirius. Emperor Lavigne-Duvall isn't supposed to be there but The Empress is, and apparently Senator Denton, though how she could stomach being in the same room as that guy is amazing to me after his own people killed Hengist. It wouldn't surprise me if he and Arissa were in on the assassination together after getting Prince Harold drugged up and kicked from the line. The fact that she dated the guy was gross enough blegh, and now she's gotta just sit there while these Marlinists get a seat at the table amongst the rest of the powers? Aren't they the same folks that killed her frackin dad? Crazy. It's crazy! I ran that diplo food delivery mission for the Empire just on grounds of rank alone and for the PDS but they were some of the most needy people I've ever been around in my entire life. Gross. Just Gross.

I'm gonna log those recon photos and then do a couple of the runs and see how it goes.
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︎3 Shiny!
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