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In my defense, all I did was slap him

16 Feb 2021User319792
It's not like I followed him back to the docking area before shanking him or blowing up his ship in the mailslot.

I can't just be expected to have to sit around in the Captain's lounge and listen to some low-level Commerce diplo sharing his stories about the "horrifying" conditions of Imperial slaves being traded in the outer reaches of the Empire and how that witch Torval and The Emperor would never allow such things to occur within the boundaries of Imperial space, "no matter who owns the company."

I earned my stripes. I lived the life he claimed was unbelievable.

So I slapped him. Hard and right across his diplomatic face.

It would have been nice to know, beforehand, that he wasn't as low-level a diplomat as I'd thought. Now I'm over at Cyllene Orbital in Atlas finishing up a oversight assignment for some rube company in Alioth as part of yet another Imperial diplomatic assignment after being frozen out of any progress within the Imperial Navy until 3 months after the end of the Galactic Summit. At least they didn't bust me down to Viscount or Baron. Luckily for me I'd already been trying to make some inroads with some engineers and it turns out that there's a whole galactic power's worth of them bunched together in Sirius and Alliance space. Equally lucky for me, I wasn't barred from taking any work for the Federal reserves or the Alliance in my off-time.

These Thargoids out here really have zero regard for their place in the bigger picture and, after completing a few run-throughs of that Buckyball Racing Club course, I went to complete my oversight assignment on the mining situation out here (It's ok: Some of these independent Fleet Carriers are offering top-credit for deep-core mining reserves, which I took advantage of while "looking over the company investments"). Lo and behold, hyperdictions galore and apparently they show up in force.

Now that I'm done here I have to report back to Golden Gate and I think they're gonna keep me there through the end of my Imperial Rank freeze. I think they might be trying to use my trading as a vessel to consolidate whatever government PM Mahon prefers working with. If I'm lucky, maybe they'll send me on a diplo gig over to the Summit as a commerce representative for the mutual interests of the Alliance and Empire.
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