Logbook entry

Vengeance Begins

16 Apr 2021User319792
After Mr. Jerkpants' little hissy fit, for which he apologized but only to yell at me for another 15 minutes about some nonsense about the organization's political neutrality and the need to abide by the orders coming from he and the other suits who have a "better understanding of the intricacies of policy and negotiation," I decided to head over to Jameson's Memorial again to run through some more of the blueprints and refits I'd put together.

After that I decided to give The Nemesis a run-through so I headed over to the Pleiades. I figured I'd start out slow and not push myself too hard, but got hyperdicted by four on the way in. As much as I'd like to, taking on four on the first go-round seems a little crazy but I did feel good about the situation overall.

I let them pass without any guff on my end and then went looking for signals before taking down 2 interceptors and then 2 interceptors again before, doing what was apparently not the right thing to do, shooting off my gauss cannons to burn off the caustic enzymes amidst a transport and having 8-10 of them flash into existence.

Either way, here's the damage from my first few run-ins

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