Logbook entry

All Secrets Were Once Truths

24 Jun 2022User319792
This log was the result of a collaboration, co-written with CMDR BlueCrash of The Order Of Twelve. Thanks and good tidings, CMDR Bluecrash.

The last three weeks have been… unsettling. Orion has been tracking Cadence’s progress, sending me updates now and again. When I returned to N.O.S., he presented me with a status update. With what little I know about the Realignment process, I expected she’d be a little out of sorts. I expected she might have been trying to pull back from whatever precipice the process pushed her toward and the man in the black suit made it clear that the greenhouse in her laboratory and the pea structure were to be treated as extensions of her own body. Thus far, she’d spent an equal amount of her time out of the cockpit staring at her potato, in absolute silence, and reacting as though it were a conversation and speaking aloud to it.  Orion refused to reveal any of the content of the conversations, but his smile seemed forced and the man in the black suit sat in silence, clenching his jaw throughout.

As we awaited another meeting with Imperial Senator Bluecrash, I continued to pour through my own notes on what’s been occurring in the California Sector Nebula. I’d woken up in Thucydides before reawakening in Galileo and took it as a sign to hop into Thucydides to conduct some research on the Thargoid activity in the region. It did not turn out as I had planned and I found myself waking again in Thucydides after what seemed like a nightmare.

Before getting back into the cockpit, I checked myself in the mirror of my captain’s quarters aboard Thucydides’ and I still looked like me, to the degree that I remember what I look like. Getting back into the cockpit, I decided to try to secure some Thargoid tissue samples, waking up again in Thucydides after what I can only assume was another dream, before finally securing a sample of Thargoid Cyclops-class Interceptor tissue. 

I caught wind from one of Captain McClean’s bridge crew that Bill Turner’s father, Mic Turner, had a base in California Sector, so I decided to stop in at the various human settlements in the region, docking at Mic Turner Base, only to have the altered perception effects continue even amidst other human life in the region. I watched the base’ missile turrets firing salvo after salvo into its own docking platforms and other buildings while being chased around in my Scorpion, only to wake up in Galileo, with my HUD reading Louis De Lacaille Metal Works XXXXX.

I finally decided to check out a Thargoid barnacle site, hoping to catch a breath and a glimpse of what I’d only seen in photos. I sat, waiting on the possible barnacle/Interceptor interaction, only to feel what I could only describe as myself slowly going out of focus, as if my very existence were being questioned by the universe. It was a little weird and I mentioned it to the man in the black suit, who looked at me, his eyes revealing nothing and his face stone. He looked down at a page of notes about Coral’s progress, before shifting his eyes again in my direction and nodding his head toward the briefing room, where I’d received Orion’s updates.

After completing the briefing on Coral’s progress, Orion looked toward the man in the black suit, who began outlining some matters  that Imperial Senator Bluecrash wanted to discuss. As if on cue, a holofac request appeared on the screen and the Imperial Senator’s lifeless eye dominated our view. After some jostling with the sensors, and some salty language in her resonant tones, the Senator’s gaunt face came into view. I explained some of my most recent experiences to the Senator, who took the information in and began,

“I am pleased with the information… mostly. Cadence is speaking in riddles now,” I looked away, my head becoming one with my shoulders, “She could be a seer or an absolute loon.  I would like to review all of Orion’s notes on Cadence.”

The man in the black suit looked toward Orion, who’s eyes remained focused on the Imperial Senator. He glanced at me, briefly, before turning his attentions again to the Imperial Senator, who continued,

“Her experiences in the nebula could mean something, should she be connected to the tenth dimension. I have reason to believe it may be where the Guardians escape to as pure energy,” I saw the man in the black suit look away, his mouth twisting slightly, “Or, she could just be suffering from some form of exhaustion related to the radiation in the nebula. The Thargoids or the Thargoid if you think of them as a hive mind controlled by the Queen - are only a type four lifeform by our scale.

“I’m also happy that your research on Thargoid tissue is continuing.  I have hundreds of Thargoid items at our lab for research…  Carried a couple Hydra samples along with me so long, I named them.  I was checking places for corrosive effects.  Those items could eat through metal, left long enough.  I was looking for something that would eat through Guardian Ark ships exteriors.”

I began losing focus, and found myself studying the contours of the cloudiness in the Senator’s deadened left eye, wondering at what might have cost her its use.

“Are you staring at my eye?” I looked away, immediately, my own eyes widening as her voice slowed, singing out with N.O.S’. bulkheads. I pulled it from Dr. Arcanonn's skull myself, doing a quick surgery and replacing my other blind eye.  I was thinking it would help me see things from a new perspective.  RP4D and I have been slowly tracking a certain group's members.  But, let’s get away from the brutality of it all and talk about your assault on Mic Turner's old facility.”

I started to respond before Orion cut me off,

“I’ve reviewed the tapes, Senator, and it appears to be the case that Cadence was simply trying to return to her main vessel, failing to find her docking bay and triggering the base’ defensive measures”

I froze, looking away again, and trying to piece together what they just told me about what I’d done.

“There was no reported damage.  Just a lot of noise and some scrap.”

“Indeed, Senator, we have also provided the reports and have apologized profusely to the base’ administration for Cadence’s mistake. They were appreciative of her immediate decision to turn herself in and, upon returning from The Quarry, she was briefed on the matter.”

The Senator took a long look in my direction, her left eye drifting slowly toward me, and began again,

“If possible, might we turn our attention to a matter of some importance to me. There are rumors circulating amongst my administration about a group your organization refers to as ‘The Zero.’ I feel like Pepsi running against Coke-Zero. I know, it seems to be a very brand specific thing.”

I looked at the man in the black suit, who mimed drinking something, and I nodded, still clueless as to what that meant, and the Senator continued,

“They are not the same.  We are not the same.  Order of Twelve has a very specific naming convention.  Elder Zero, is E0- never e0 - unless it’s a new recruit we are taking care of.  The problem with secret societies is that they are secret.  But I have taken the time to write an outline.  As usual, any disagreements with someone declaring themselves hostile - we can meet at Rackham’s Peak for a duel.  It has been awhile since I have had to put this Remlok suit to use.”

The Senator’s tone grew increasingly sonorous, and I thought I’d begun to feel the compartment vibrate as she explained herself. Orion immediately began, shifting his weight from side to side

“I can understand the confusion, Senator. As you know well, rumors have long been a permanent aspect of the political process. I’d like to thank you for explaining the source of the confusion, and I’d like to assure you that our organization would have no reason to claim itself as being directly under your command. Our relationship has been fruitful, thus far, and we’d like it to remain so. As for any direct reference to a group in our organization that refers to itself as ‘The Zero,’ I hope you can understand that any such group aiming to set itself above any other would be dealt with through our organization’s internal administrative procedures.”

The man in the black suit looked at Orion, swallowing, and I looked away. I wasn’t sure about who or what might have revealed the existence of The Zero to the Senator, but I was definitely sure it would lead to some significant shaking down of the K-double-N’s.

“As are the rumors of ‘sacred text’ being woven into our Commander's Logs,”

I looked toward Orion, again, growing increasingly unsure of the information-brokering deal we’d been entered into. I know the Empire has significant means, but the idea that the Imperial Senator had access to the organization’s sacred texts was disturbing, at the very least.

“..., and while we in The Order of Twelve don’t encourage being without religion, as scientists, our head leads us to the answers. However, we do believe that our heart stays true to core beliefs.  Many inhabitants from Sol ignore their history and facts about origins. I actually love reading vintage comics more than about religion.  I am working on trading some old Akira comics for a permit lock from the Pilots Federation.  If all those Anarchists can buy one, I shouldn’t have too much of an issue going through all the red tape.”

The Senator’s reference went right over my head. Some of the pilots I’d run into, in my time in Federation space, had mentioned picture books that they referred to as ‘comics.’ The idea didn’t make much sense to me, considering a lot of them sounded like they weren’t particularly funny at all. As the Senator continued, I drifted in and out of attentiveness, losing myself in the continual reverberations making their way from the bulkheads through my magboots. As Orion and the man in the black suit went back and forth with the Senator, who’s deadened eye would occasionally drift toward me slowly, I grew increasingly unnerved. 
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