Logbook entry

Where is the fleet.

17 Aug 2023Toasterhunter
I was born during the 40 year cylon war. My father served under Lt. Tigh. Then one day he showed up with two service men in full dress uniform and my mother burst into tears. In just one month I became old enough to enlist and became a pilot. And I adopted the handle Toasterhunter.
Having served on the Prometheus my vendetta against the cylons was in full swing when the war ended. One day the Captain required that I visit my mother so she wouldn’t worry as he had also served with my father. On the way back to the ship we received emergency orders to divert to the Galactica. We didn’t find out until after docking what happened. I went to Admiral Adama and requested to be assigned a ship. Needless to say I quickly renewed my fight against the AI hordes. Now both mom and dad dead at the hands of the toasters I became a very good at hunting them. Then we landed in the Veil nebula and were stuck there. One day I found a way out and tried to contact the fleet and was met with silence. Having scanned the system it was the Sol system, There was a signal and I found a space station called Mars high after docking my ship was impounded and taken away to be reverse engineered by agents of Pres. Hudson. Now having two enemies. I made it my mission to fight the tyranny here and return to the fleet one day. Then I encountered Starbuck and she told me of Princess Aisling Duval and the Thargoids. I sought out the princess and joined her cause. In the fight against tyranny and dangers of the Thargoids. Now the Guard of the Outer Imperial Colonies is my new home.
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