Logbook entry

SRPH Liberty: Returning Home

16 Aug 2022Falken626
Returning home (G 122-60) was bittersweet after spending so much time fighting Thargoids in HIP 22460. We were trying to help save humanity from extinction but after the battle it seems more likely that the Thargoids will invade our homes. The hardest part is realizing that all those pilots and ships crew have died for nothing. We as the Liberty bearly made it out alive and had heavy losses of pilots. May God Bless their sacrifice to continue His mission.
The Liberty will be in orbit of a moon close to Watts Enterprise for awhile now as we give the crew much needed shore leave.
There are a few pilots that wanted to stay aboard and do some bounty hunting to cover some of the expenses of the ship. Once we are refuelled and rearmed and expenses ready we will be leaving.
It will be interesting to see, as we rest up, lick our wounds, and bury our fallen friends, what the major factions will do. I'll be watching smaller groups as well such as the anti-xeno initiative.
For now though we will rest and work on building up our squadrons for the upcoming fights for survival.
Unless otherwise needed hopefully staying away from Xeno combat for awhile. We will be however be collecting resources to prepare for the fights to come. I pray that Holy Spirit guides our steps in the days to come.
CMDR Falken626
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