Cmdr Jimmy D. Ncowt
Rebel / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
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Overall assets
Anti-Xeno Initiative
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry


14 Mar 2021Jimmy D. Ncowt
I usually write in Spanish (it is my native language), in this post I´ve got decided to write in English, I don't know why.

yes I know, jia jia jia the title of this post is called battle music, here we go.

5 ships 2 operational 3 in the construction phase:

- Light dragon FDL- A1_ ( el dragón de luz ) moves like a medium size fighter y con muy mala leche and with an impressive jump sometimes I think that I can go around the galaxy 2 times in 6 jump, it is very impressive his battle song:

- FDL-K2 Firestorm ( la tormenta de fuego) Fast, agile and with 2 scary laser beams, they give it to me and I pilot it, it has no hunting basically because it does not need it, the antiphiton and with its 410 ms the fastest ship I have in my hands


(in the shipyard)
- Battle angel FDL-A2 ( el angel de batalla) somewhat heavier than its twin sister but just as lethal both at medium and long distance as the light dragon (or so I pretend it is still in the testing phase), his battle song and thought to be anti thargoid

- FDL-P Snake dragon ( el dragon serpiente) right now the slowest ship I have (350 ms) still does´nt have assigned function,
It is the rookie of my ships, but it is thought to be a combat freighter, I'll think about it, I still have to gather the credits to equip it, its a long way to the top jia jia jia

y ahora me vuelvo al español que me estan cortocircuitando las neuronas del ingles.

mi camino hasta ahora, ya he desbloqueado la mitad de los ingenieros y ahora mismo le estoy haciendo la pelota a la sirius company para que me den acceso a su ingeniero, me falta poco para emprender mi viaje de exploracion por el sector delta de la galaxia ( yo llamo asi al lado contrario a la burbuja) buscando el planeta de los thargoides, ( no se si esta descubierto ya pero no me interesa saberlo quiero llegar yo), busco una flota o pilotos que sean tan locos como yo para emprender ese viaje ( no me interesa estrellar la nave contra sagitario, que les tengo cariño ) que puede ser triunfal o una m* e*d* montada en un palo, con los creditos ganados en ese viaje de exploracion pretendo comprar mi portanaves, y ahora que estan baratos es un buen momento. Para llevar 2 meses en la galaxia no esta mal verdad?

saludos desde vesper-m4
greetings from vesper-m4
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