Logbook entry

Log 02: The Dark (23 Mar 3307)

23 Mar 2021NullPriestess
Location: Deep Space
Distance from Home: 2,633 LY
System status: Green

The goal is simple: Five thousand light-years from my home station.  Now, I'm aware most people would put more thought into their destination.  Myself?  Not so much.

Find a random system at the appointed distance.  Load up the repair limpets, engage the FSD.  That... was basically it.  You'd think there would be a bit more pomp and circumstance to it, you know?  Some sort of grand sendoff ceremony.  I got a somewhat curious (and probably annoyed) look from the dockmaster, and a grumbled 'try not to fly into a star.'  

That was fifty jumps ago.

Since then, I've spent the past few days cavorting through space.  I've already found numerous uncharted systems, unmapped planets - and I've mapped quite a few since.  My cartographics are *loaded* with information that, in another situation, I'd come about and go home to sell.  In truth, when I reach the goal marker, that's kinda the plan; finish my scans, come about, and go home.  I might wander a little, but the thing they don't properly tell you about being alone out in the dark is that... well, you're alone.  Well and truly alone.  Just me, the plants in my aeroponics bay, and maybe an occasional holovisit.  It's strange, being so far away from the 'world' per se... but, here I am.

There's a certain beat to it.  Jump in, scoop the star, honk the system.  Scan it all, map it all (or what's worth it; evidently spaceborne balls of ice don't terribly interest, go figure), jump again.  And again. And again.


This is, of course, what I've wanted to.  What I've been planning on.  Explore the galaxy, see worlds upon worlds.  I'm just glad I brought my books with me.  This could take a while.
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