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Log 04: "Why are you still here?" (11 May 3307)

11 May 2021NullPriestess
Location: Davy Dock, Procyon
Distance from home: 0 LY.
System Status: Upgrade in progress.

Bartenders have a funny way of seeing the truth of things. Maybe it's just that they see so much bullshit belly up to the bar that they're simply unimpressed with it... or, perhaps, they can somewhat tell based off of just how drunk someone is trying to get, and how quickly. So, either way, when the bartender at this slummy little speakeasy looked at me after I ordered my third drink, and asked me a question, I was a little shaken.

"Why are you still here?"

I mean, it's a relevant question. Why am I still here? Since I docked after that 5,000 lightyear expedition, not a lot has happened. I got credit for exploring several dozen planets, mapping as many if not more systems, made some money (have *not* qualified for elite status yet, much to my irritation!), and since I've been largely working on upgrading the Radiant for my next trip out into the black. It's been a little bit of a laundry list - upgraded the hull plating and shields (for those suboptimal landings), stripped some weight out of things like the life support systems, the works.

Can we talk, for a moment, about how offputting it is to look at one's primary source of oxygen and say "...Is this part really necessary?" Why yes, Anja, you do need your primary carbon scrubber, unless you happen to enjoy breathing carbon monoxide.

In any case, it's not only the primary flight systems that've been getting upgraded - it's the pilot support systems getting upgraded as well. I learned early on the value of a good aeroponics bay, because the first one I installed on the Radiant was complete trash. So I tore out the old one, picked up a much improved configuration, did some tweaking on it myself, and now I'm working on installing that now. Better food systems, better water... Hell, I'll even be getting a proper suit soon so I can occasionally take a walk when the mood suits me. No more of this flight suit silliness - I'm more than ready to put my feet on some planets, get out there and do exploring more than just sitting on the bridge, working my way towards space madness.
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