Logbook entry

Log 06: Course Change (30 Aug, 3307)

30 Aug 2021NullPriestess
Location: Outer Bubble's Edge
Distance from Home: 1.3k LY
System Status: Green

Traversing towards my destination, I'm starting to think I'm not the first one who's followed this particular path. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm still in human explored space; the astrometrics computer insists on returning names for those who've discovered these worlds before I have.

I must admit to some frustration. The goal of this particular trip was to get *out* of human explored space, and yet everywhere I go the names of others appear.

Time to change course. Replot. Shift a few hundred light years a different direction before resuming my original destination's heading. Come at the problem from a different angle, literally. I mean, that's kind of the idea, right? When I can go anywhere I please, why wouldn't I do just that? Deeper into the dark.

End log.
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