Cmdr Cooper Vane
Mercenary / Lawyer
Registered ship name
Chris Hansen
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Type-10 Defender CH30UV
Overall assets
The Fatherhood
Edmund Mahon

Logbook entry

Paver stones

18 Mar 2021Cooper Vane
Happened a few days ago but finally cooled down a bit so I can talk about it.  It was late. The passenger lounge was overflowing. I could see 'the look' in everyone's faces. Thought I'd do everyone a solid - take a round of nothing but kids: can fit twice as many in my ship, clears out the lounge, parents get a break, kids get a field trip everyone is happy. Welp, strapped 'em took off BAM debris falls and hits the hull and an explosion pops off 10 meters from starboard. Giant resonating sound we quickly lose a little altitude, scares the crap out of the gravy soppers and no one to comfort them means they are in full tantrum mode the entire return trip.  I arrive and the door opens to a cacophony of crying faces and horrified looks from the intake staff, feels like everything got quiet and that's when the cameras started coming out.

Had to repaint and sell that ship. Could have just repainted but I wasn't cleaning out the mess they left behind. How did it get so sticky? Who gave them oranges?   Anyway good thing I was still wearing my helmet but I bolted anyway and headed to empire space where they just don't care about this kind of thing so much (and the kids don't scream at the tiniest hiccup).
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