Logbook entry

Commanders Log: 16/05/3007

16 May 2021WarCat72
I don't normally keep a log book, but this week has been a very different type of week for me. So I thought, today would be a good day for starting one. Where to begin... At the start of the week I decided that I wanted to upgrade my armor and hull modules, which meant mining. I had never really tried to mine seriously before, but I was dumb enough to think I could do it without asking how. Loaded up my Asp Explorer with a seismic boom stick, a subsurface drill, a limpet collector, and a half cargo hold full of limpets. Get to a nice looking ring and for the next hour I got completely livid as nothing worked. The first few "HELP" videos I watched were very unclear about how to use the tools and I was ready to say fuck it. Then I watched a video by a commander named Satchel Goose (yes I know that's not his name) and his video cleared up what I was doing wrong. So, a day later, and many millions of credits, I return with the correct loadout. Watching your first asteroid go BOOM, damn it was awesome. I have decided that cracking asteroids will never get old, after a week of doing it I was still giggling with glee every single time that crunk... ((((BOOM!)))) happened. Didn't take very long for me to decided that the Asp was a bit too small for mining, and I switched to my Krait MK II. Granted, Torfrio was none to happy about being used as a mining ship, but when I explained to him that the money we would be making would pay for every upgrade he could ever want, he changed his tone. Four days of core mining and what I was more interested in finding was cores full of Alexandrite, Monazite, Rhodplumsite, or Selenite. Let the kids in the bar talk about hunting for Void Opals, those are nice, but the four I hunted were lucrative and just as easy to find. Then while I am way out in the black, the Thargoids attack. Had that not happened, I would probably still be out mining, the money is just too good to justify trying to make cash any other way. So, I spend a day zipping all over in Torfrio, and I learned how to do something with that Krait that I hadn't tried before, jet stream boosting. I think that neutrino stars are the prettiest type of star to see, but also the scariest things to see at the same time. Now I was going to plot a course to make jumping 350 light years faster, by seeking them out. Screwed up the first time, but didn't die, so that was a plus. Then I got the hang of it, I'm not the smoothest at rolling into a jet stream, but the benefits of that increased jump range is worth it. All that running around, and I've got my Krait fitted out to hunt Xenos. Where to go? Delphi, that's were I decide to go. I arrive there, and I transfer the AX weapons from were I had bought them, and I've got an hour before they arrive. There is a station on fire here, people need rescuing, and six hours later, I decided to take a break. Flying into a burning station, that's exploding on the inside, and can knock your ship around was crazy. Getting those people loading into Torfrio, and flying them out to safety, that was a rewarding experience. Anywho, I am heading to my bunk, I can hear it calling my name. I wanted to put this down somewhere, just in case. For tomorrow, tomorrow I face a new challenge.
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︎0 Shiny!
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