Logbook entry

Andromedae-Lunari Cooperative Dec 3307-Jan 3308

01 Feb 2022Scopulus_Andreas
On 03 December 3307, the Andromedae Adventurers and the Lunari Consortium merged together to create the Andromedae-Lunari Corporation. They began to accept various contracts and spent the month organizing their operations.

In early January 3308, they entered into negotiations with the Auakereks Cooperative to provide security as the Co-op tried to gain recognition. It was eventually agreed that a full union between the people of the Cooperative and the ALC would be the best course of action. On 18 January 3308, they united as the Andromedae-Lunari Cooperative, ALCO. The squadron would take on the role of the military arm of the new polity. The following day, an ultimatum was sent to the Auakereks Power Corp for the immediate recognition that the people of Serre Plant had chosen to form a government independent of the company and that the settlement would no longer be a company town. The demand was met with hostility and on 20 January the ALCO executive council declared war.

The war was particularly brutal as hundreds of ships were destroyed over the next three days. Fighting consumed the system with intense battles being waged over Auakereks A1, near Morin Dock, and A3. The fleet carrier Kungaloosh was brought in by ALCO to act as a support base and operated around the clock repairing and resupplying ships to keep them in the fight.

After several decisive defeats, Auakereks Power Corp surrendered on 23 January. Later that day the ALCO government entered Serre Plant and established control. They also secured support among the people of the system, becoming the second largest faction in Auakereks.
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