Logbook entry

Biri Danju - Activities log

01 Oct 2022Biri Danju
I've been struggling in setting goals for myself.

I've been a pilot for 18 months and have reached Elite status in both Exploration and Trade.
My rating in Combat has been coming along slowly.
I have also been slowly gaining in both Federal and Imperial rank.
Mostly, I have been going about my business and usually have only fought when somebody 'ganked' me during flight.
Well..., I have done some 'trolling' - going about, heavily armed, with a few units of valuable cargo to attract the greedy.
Lesson learned: no matter how well armed and armored you are, it is probably not wise for me to take a a wing of three.

That said, I'm currently operating out in the Colonia region, alternately flying courier missions, mining, and running my own exploration missions.

So, back to the original theme: how do I challenge myself?

Buy bigger and better ships? I've pretty much settled on a Phantom for general travel and an Anaconda for trading endeavors.

Explore exotic locales? This is now my second visit to the Colonia area. I went on another 3K LY out to achieve the goal of having traveled at least 25K LY beyond my stating point.

For now, I think I will just do whatever comes up on my 'screen' that catches my eye... Mining, combat, exploration, courier
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