Logbook entry

Logbook 001

08 Mar 2021User323167

I keep having this reoccurring nightmare, I'm in The Everest, my thrusters are not working and I'm falling towards the planet... Oh god, even though it is just a  dream, it feels so real... and so very terrifying. With every moment the nightmare carries on, I fall closer to the surface, I use what limited movement I can still make to angle The Everest so that I may survive the coming crash, and just as I approach the surface, I wake up. As I'm writing this entry I can recall an experience that, due to the trauma, my mind has suppressed, and converted into an exaggerated nightmare. The real event was much more of myself not paying attention while making a planetary landing, I was peacefully coming down to a planet for a Planetary Scan Job, and I got up from my seat to get a drink assuming that everything will be fine. when I arrive back to my seat my COVAS says "Impact imminent!" so I pull up the best I can, and I skirt across the surface. I managed to save myself. No major injuries just some pain in the joints from the sudden impact and fast forward movement. That's all for now, I just needed to write about the experience in hopes of getting it out of my head.
CMDR Evelyn Quinn, Signing off.
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