Logbook entry

Logbook 006

12 Apr 2021User323167

Colonia, The new frontier.

I've recently moved out to Colonia, thanks to Commander Bran214 and his "Planetary Trading Co." fleet carrier, there's not much large payout money making opportunities out here, but alas it is a new frontier, after all, I don't expect too much. Upon arriving at Jaques, I handed in my exploration data, and made a pretty penny, too! I has also learned i was first to discover some planets out there along the way... I don't have their names on hand, otherwise I'd record them here. Once i was paid for the data, i sold my Alliance Chieftan, and bought myself a mamba. All in all, it's been amazing out here, and i'll be staying for some time, and this weekend, i shall be making the journey to Sagittarius A*, I've stripped down my Anaconda for exploration, she will no longer be a Multi-Purpose ship. Thats all for now, this Commander Evelyn Quinn, Signing off.
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