My Feeling didn't fool me
19 May 2021Surt Tribal
Okay so I was right about my bad Feeling in the last Logbook...Kaz took a Contract from a Squad called Avalonic Floofatics to help in the Fight in Avalon. So, I had to return there... I never thought it would be this soon that I have to work for the Labour of Avalon after they sold me out. I mean he knew about that but still...I didn't want to argue with my Mate so I said nothing.
The Moment the Sheppy Den Tavern made it's jump into Avalon, I was out providing more Stations with Medicine. After a while I got a Message from someone named Lei Cheung in which he invited me to his Workshop. I just had to bring him 200t of Gold to work with him. That was a huge Load he asked of but luckily I still sat in my Hauling Spirit so I got the whole Delivery in one go to him.
After that, we worked at the Shield Generator that was fitted into my Ship. He showed me how I could make it more efficient and stronger and I soon had a better Shield on my Cargo Vessel than I thought of. A while after that, I made my Way back to the Tavern and thanks to Kaz, I knew where exactly it was.
So as I entered Avalon, I had to be extremely careful not to attract the Attention of the Knights of Beneverchio as well as the Attention of the Labour of Avalon. Luckily, they either didn't have a complete List of the Sheppy Den Freelancers or Kaz left my Name out on purpose but somehow, they found out I was back in the System and they already sent me a Contract, which I declined as soon as I saw what they wanted me to do. They wanted me to destroy Passenger Liners! I knew I never should've trusted them.
Lucky for me, we were in Avalon only for a Day or two, before Kaz made the Trip back Home. Now we're sitting in our Home System LTT 15574 again and I'm getting some Rest after escorting some Friends during their Mining Trip again.
This is Surt Tribal, signing off.
o7 Commanders