Logbook entry

I've graduated!

27 Feb 2021Mary Quinn
First entry in my logbook. Hello, logbook!

To begin with, I am proud, very proud. All these sacrifices have paid off: I've earned my pilot's diploma. Not a diploma with honors, but a diploma all the same. The stars are now available to me, and the possibilities seem endless. It is now that things will get tough: I will have to pay back my many loans taken out with some of the Federation's patrons, who expect nothing but a fair return (and by fair, we mean of course very profitable for them).

In order to repay my loans, I will have to find a stable job quickly, instead of living on contracts and opportunities. And why not try at Remlok? Their technology is the first one I had in my hands, when I inherited my grandmother's pilot's suit and helmet. I've submitted an application, and we'll see what they say about it. Are they taking on new pilots who have everything to prove? Will I have the skill? The future will tell me.

It's time for me to leave you, dear logbook, I have work to do!

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