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How much is "very very afraid" Thargoid-wise

It was not some big news or announcement that They are back, we expected it to be that in 2.4.

The real question is how much money do we old cats need to assemble to protect our fleets. Braben said that we should be very very afraid, but how much in money value is very very?

The issue is that 600 hours of gametime with my case brought me to some of the Galaxy´s finest ships and upgrades.

Should I fear to loose it all if I do not have enough money to cover random hyperdictions that could come to 30 mil. each from our pockets + cargo value?

Yes I am speaking about us Cutter and Vette owners here, being covered in some green goo like that Faragut from the vid.

Back to the real question, how much can you make before 2.4 arrives?

If you don´t have Cutters and Vettes yet, you better get ones now? Or back to Pythons and Vultures?

Quantify "very very" in credits because that is the only thing and Elite player should fear. If you have a Cutter and 2 mil on account "very very" is adequate. But if you seem to be sitting on 2 bil. what fear should I have.
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